I’m pretty sure that’s just social anxiety and not being an introvert.
Yep. I met extroverts who are absolutely terrified at standing up for themselves.
Damn, I never considered that combination before. Being extroverted with social anxiety would be awful.
Could just mean smaller friend groups as well. I conceptualize the major difference as introverts recharge by being alone and extroverts recharge by being around people. There was some recent research that disputed the concept of introverts and extroverts altogether, noting that when introverts became more regularly connected to people, their mental health improved. Introversion might just be the sum of our fears about connection that keep us from living a fuller life, with avoidance taking the role of an unhealthy coping mechanism for being unwilling to face our social fears. I say THAT because a lot of research has come to the conclusion that we are wired for connection and that the presence of close relationships is a strong predictor of the length of our life.
I also say this as someone with raging social anxiety, it sucks and I just get overwhelmed within a couple hours.
Introverts don’t not want social connection. They just prefer a smaller number of deeper connections. “You’re not people” is a common sentiment from introverts to their closest friends and family. Most introverts still have and enjoy social connection. They just prefer it in an intimate or chill setting to large groups.
Could be because someone is introverted as well, and just can’t be bothered to deal and talk to the waiter to sort the issue out.
Yeah, there’s definitely a hassle vs reward calculus that quickly gets figured. Usually the hassle side of the equation is a little too high unless its something that can be quickly and easily fixed. Like if they forgot something it’s very easy to just go “oh, and can I please get …” which usually immediately reminds them and they go grab it.
Or if the food got royally fucked then engagement can become worth it, even over something harder to fix. Like, if my steak is well done and I ordered med rare, I kinda want either a new steak or a comped meal.
Leaves 22% tip. Never goes within 500’ of establishment again.
Anxiety, not introversion.
Introvert does not mean anti-social or social anxiety.
True, but there is a lot of overlap. You could say that the social anxiety is what makes some people an introvert, since they just exhaust themselves from too much worrying.
Still though. People ought to stop equating the two.
That’s social anxiety btw.
For me it’s because I’m hungry AF and just don’t want to wait for them to fix it. Not being that picky helps.
I’m the same. Like I like plane food. Because, whatever man, someone brought me a little parcel of food to eat. I’m stoked.
Wait but hear me out. Imagine big genius scenario where you intentionally order something else counting on waitress getting it wrong so you end up getting exactly what you [secretly] wanted. Outsmarted outsmarting
False. I am definitely an introvert but if I’m going to pay for it, I’m going to get what I asked for.
Now that you mention it I think Ultron was just embarrassed they showed up before he was ready and was too shy to ask them to leave, his cover lie was full of holes.
Most of the time i don’t even know what i want so any food is good
Same, like no need to get angry on my behalf. I am literally happy with this too