Something stunning when travelling to the US is the number of cities called some something Ville, Nashville, Jacksonville and all the small ville you’ll see when going at a random place on google maps, let alone a state called “vert mont” which can’t sounds more french.

So there is definitely evidence for a significant french influence in former Louisiana. However, the french-influence seems very diluted in modern US, especially when looking at the cliché regarding American pretending to be Irisish/Italian because of one ancestor from that country. Moreover, US isn’t really famous for their wine/bread/cheese

So i am curious to learn how these colonist merged with the anglo-saxon and what’s left of their heritage in modern US .

    2 years ago

    The French came not to settle but to make money. So many of the cities you name exist around French trading posts, but the French who lived there went back home as settlers from other countries moved in. The French did settle Louisiana and other places named elsewhere, but for many of them the goal wasn’t to settle.