And for the record, I don’t hate Russia as much as people in this community do. I know that fact may wind some people up, but it’s the truth. We are still a country based on freedoms of opinion, and there is no law that says I HAVE to hate Russia or it’s people.
And libertarians in effect would take votes AWAY from trump
Oh so you do believe in spoiler candidates? What’s your defense for constant third party and green party advocacy if you know it’s a statistical fact that spoiler effect exists?
No, I don’t believe in it. I was using the argument that you all throw at me every single day. :) And I find it hilarious that you all think it’s ok, when it happens to the Republicans, just not when it happens to YOUR party. lol
No, I don’t believe in it. I was using the argument that you all throw at me every single day
So you were using an argument you don’t even believe just to try and win an argument because you can’t defend your real position? That’s incredibly bad faith.
when it happens to the Republicans, just not when it happens to YOUR party
Yes, literally anything that breaks voters from the Republican party is good, and everything that breaks voters away from Democrats is bad. That’s because the Republicans are full of fascists hell bent on destroying American democracy, and the Democrats are the only credible thing standing against them.
No, I was pointing out the hypocrisy that’s being shown in people who use that argument
Bullshit, there’s nothing in that comment to indicate it was sarcasm, and the “I’m pulling from Republicans too but that doesn’t fit your narrative” defence goes directly against what you’re now saying.
I respect and support your right to an opinion
There were once people who had the opinion that it was moral to own other people. There were once people who had the opinion that other people should be marched into camps to be gassed and burned. Not all opinions are equal, and some opinions, such as those, deserve to be called abhorrent and fascist.
is half of the country “fascists” now? lol
Have you heard none of the Republican rhetoric on gay people this past decade? Have you heard none of the Republican rhetoric on trans people this last decade? Have you heard none of the Republican rhetoric on immigrants this past decade? Have you heard none of the Republican rhetoric on Muslims this past decade? Did you not see the last Republican president try desperately to overturn the results of a free and fair election before finally inciting an insurrection? Did you not hear him say he’ll be a dictator and suspend the constitution next time if elected?
There are some Republicans who still respect America’s institutions, such as Pence and Romney, but they’ve been effectively expelled from the party. Trumpian Fascism now rules the Republican base by a majority, you just need to look at their primary results this year to see that’s the case.
Yeah, this is why I’m voting Trump.
Damn, you are brave for saying that in THIS community!
But hey, I respect and support your right to vote for whoever you want to.
And good on ya for having the balls to say it to this crowd.
They wanna string me up, and all because I vote third party. I can only imagine what your DM’s will be like after admiting your voting for trump! lol
Oh, you’re voting for trump too lol
No I’m not. I’m actually voting for Jill Stein. But thanks for assuming an entirely wrong thing just because you’re mad!
No, like, you are, implicitly.
No, like, I’m not. Literally or implicitly.
If I wanted to vote for Trump, I’d vote for my Trump. Which by the way, I have every single right to do, as an American citizen.
But I’m not voting for him. I’m voting for Jill Stein. I respect your right to vote for whoever you want to, please respect mine.
I do respect it, and the implicit value action it causes. Enjoy your vote, both on paper, and in consequence.
I recommend reading about game theory in outcome constrained systems.
Also, as sprinkles and toppings:
For non link clickers:
From 2015:
Oh, I will, thank you! I respect and support your right to vote for who you want to as well.
And that photo has been around a long time, and doesn’t bother me at all. It does nothing to change my mind.
Plus, it’s already been covered and addressed in a newsweek article:
I’m still happy and proud to vote for her. :).
And for the record, I don’t hate Russia as much as people in this community do. I know that fact may wind some people up, but it’s the truth. We are still a country based on freedoms of opinion, and there is no law that says I HAVE to hate Russia or it’s people.
Nobody hates Russia, they hate Putin, and his regime. Aside from Jill that is.
Edit the point is the dinner itself represents no wing doing, but as the article mentions it’s about the company you keep.
Similar to this , since you like Newsweek:
If you really think stein is on the level after such interactions and social proximity, then that’s the most telling thing about your choices so far.
And if not Putin, Michael fucking Flynn is there which also speaks to the character of the crowd
Nah, I did just post a libertarian article. And libertarians in effect would take votes AWAY from trump.
That doesn’t really fit the narrative that a lot of Lemmys seem to want for me though. lol
Oh so you do believe in spoiler candidates? What’s your defense for constant third party and green party advocacy if you know it’s a statistical fact that spoiler effect exists?
No, I don’t believe in it. I was using the argument that you all throw at me every single day. :) And I find it hilarious that you all think it’s ok, when it happens to the Republicans, just not when it happens to YOUR party. lol
So you were using an argument you don’t even believe just to try and win an argument because you can’t defend your real position? That’s incredibly bad faith.
Yes, literally anything that breaks voters from the Republican party is good, and everything that breaks voters away from Democrats is bad. That’s because the Republicans are full of fascists hell bent on destroying American democracy, and the Democrats are the only credible thing standing against them.
No, I was pointing out the hypocrisy that’s being shown in people who use that argument. It’s not really that deep, friend.
In YOUR view. I respect and support your right to an opinion, but not every one has the same opinion as you. Including about half of the country.
s half of the country “fascists” now? lol
Bullshit, there’s nothing in that comment to indicate it was sarcasm, and the “I’m pulling from Republicans too but that doesn’t fit your narrative” defence goes directly against what you’re now saying.
There were once people who had the opinion that it was moral to own other people. There were once people who had the opinion that other people should be marched into camps to be gassed and burned. Not all opinions are equal, and some opinions, such as those, deserve to be called abhorrent and fascist.
Have you heard none of the Republican rhetoric on gay people this past decade? Have you heard none of the Republican rhetoric on trans people this last decade? Have you heard none of the Republican rhetoric on immigrants this past decade? Have you heard none of the Republican rhetoric on Muslims this past decade? Did you not see the last Republican president try desperately to overturn the results of a free and fair election before finally inciting an insurrection? Did you not hear him say he’ll be a dictator and suspend the constitution next time if elected?
There are some Republicans who still respect America’s institutions, such as Pence and Romney, but they’ve been effectively expelled from the party. Trumpian Fascism now rules the Republican base by a majority, you just need to look at their primary results this year to see that’s the case.