Fuck that hotdog colored pieces of trash. No clearer proof of there being no god then every time that traitor carney draws breath.
I mean yeah he’s totally a carny but don’t hate on carnies, they’re all carnies.
Actually come to think of it, I think most politicians are pretty much carnies at this point.
Going from town to town… Dishonest with the locals… Try to get as much money as they can… Hmmmmm
This is a factually accurate meme lol! He ratted out Jesse “The Body” Ventura for trying to start a wrestlers union way back in 1986!
Iirc Macho Man Randy Savage was also instrumental to unionization efforts and the company turned him heel for it. The result? Everyone loved Macho Man Randy Savage as a heel more than they ever loved him as a face. There’s something extremely relatable to all of us about a guy who tries to speak up about injustice but doesn’t get the traction and has to go back to making the magic our companies don’t deserve
Better to be a heel than a scab.
Macho Man was just plain likable all the time. He always cut the greatest promos, had an ego larger than life, and he’s one of the best things about the Raimi Spider-Man movies. Anytime I think of the wrestling greats, I think of Randy Savage.
When we were kids my brother and I met him once at a mini golf course in Florida. He was very nice even though we were assholes interrupting his family time.
I heard that story as part of the Behind the Bastards series on Vince McMahon. It was an excellent and very entertaining four- or five-episode series.
four- or five-episode series.
It was six episodes. That’s how much was needed to cover how much of a piece of shit Vince is.
What a little bitch.
In the 80s I used to idolize this man.
Wow he turned out to be a special kind of shitbag.
A lot of celebrities became shitbags, unfortunately. The most disappointing IMO was JK Rowling. My sisters loved the Harry Potter universe, but soured on it after it was reveled Rowling was a huge nazi shithead.
Here’s another example of a fuckwit “celebrity” who just couldn’t keep their shit opinions to themselves & now they’re going to get absolutely drug for the next few months, their lives (hopefully) turned upside down.
Hope that RNC check was enough, burnt jizzbag
I agree he’s a dick but his life being turned upside down? By who? A bunch of people on twitter? 😂
Why does Trump have so many d list celebs promoting him? They are all so old and irrelevant and just trying to grasp at the spot light once more. They don’t care about him. They just desperately want to be recognized once more
I think you just asked a question and then immediately answered it
Sometimes i gotta type/ write it out to make it make sense
I think a lot of has beens hitch onto whatever they think will pull them back into the spotlight. Trump is easily manipulated like that. Compliment him and if he retreats you, you’ve got a million new followers
You also have to consider the audience Trump is trying to please. Who is going to pull more people? Steve Mnuchin talking about Trump glowingly or a clown wrestler that Trump’s fans remember as a childhood hero backing their pick?
Let’s also remember that Trump literally wrestled in WWE.
True. That was my peak wrestling watching era.
I mean, Hulk isn’t exactly a d-lister. The guy still gets huge pops at wrestling shows. It’s more that he’s absolutely trashed his rep with younger people by constantly being a disgusting piece of shit.
At wrestling shows being the key. You can’t get better than a D-lister if you only perform in D-list entertainment.
I think you might be seriously underestimating how big a deal wrestling still is in America. We’re not in the glory days of the eighties anymore but it’s still capable of catapulting people like John Cena to mega stardom. Cody Rhodes has barely been back in WWE for a year, and he’s already been added to Call of Duty: Warzone. AEW is the baby brother to WWE and they’re now regularly selling out Wembley Stadium. None of that is small time.
To add to the fire also a; Wife beater and racist.
and a compulsive liar
So, ticks all the boxes to be a conservative role model
The original Orange Man, if you will.
giant human scab
well he was making more than all of them combined
I miss shittymorph
And the Hulkster just talked his way out of a biopic by Todd Phillips of Joker fame.
When the world seems full of Hogans, look to the Andre the giants instead. Edit: Oh and throw them off hell in a cell, plummeting 16ft through an announcer’s table
I would, but the Hogans are plentiful and thriving, while the Andre the Giants of the world are either dead or being threatened by the Hogans.
Evil wins daily. We live in a world where “evil” has profoundly established itself as the leading paradigm for all of humanity, and all of us lost a long time ago, sometimes before being born.
The world isn’t static and losses can be won again.
Such a shame. I grew up a couple of miles from his old house, Terry/HH would be out on the town, autoparts, picking up take out, riding his motorcycle, regular dude / dad stuff etc etc. He had a reputation of being super nice, soft spoken, and a good tipper, you know in the before times of long ago.
In the business he’s known as a racist, a deviant, union buster, and a pathological liar. Dude lies about the most easily verifiable shit like “I partied with Jon Belushi after WrestleMania 1” (Belushi died 2 years prior to that) and “I was the first choice to be the lead in the movie the wrestler” (meanwhile the director confirms that’s 100% not true).
That’s a shame, all of it, though I guess none of it matters when you support fascism. Eh, throw another slice of childhood on the fire.
I used to also love that wrestler Chris Jericho back When I was a teen watching wrestling, and I checked him out recently. He’s a trump supporter and his wife was at the Jan 6th insurrection. Trump has at least caused these guys to show their true colors, which makes it easier for us to chuck em in the bin.
That is a tarnished silver lining of the whole maga thing isn’t it? Masks off
He is not a nice guy.
Did you grow up within a smaller radius to Hulk Hogan?
No, I am literally in the wrestling business and I read a lot about wrestling history. I have yet to find anyone saying anything positive about him.
I see what you’re saying, but I believe the root comment is talking about before he got famous
overall shitperson that further degraded over time. if only men with a fragile masculinity would keep falling for douchebags.
Your “username” is awesome.
Y’all just mad cause the RNC had an American icon and the DNC has the leader of the Oral Office.
English, do you speak it?
Yeah sorry about the typo. Unfortunately for you that doesn’t refute my argument