Wtf is happening?
A lot of people got Biscovid and are Biscoffing
Lmao you got me with that one
It’s a Bispandemic
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
and it’s good. try it for a tofu cheesecake bottom
try it for a tofu cheesecake bottom
Excuse me?
hes more like one of those sicilian maggot cheeses they banned for food safety reasons
in retrospect i should have used
to symbolise his delicious cheesy cakes
…emphasis on “cheesy”
Tofu cheesecake sounds pretty normal to me. You’d want to use silken tofu, of course, but I bet a tofu cheesecake would be amazing. It’s all in how you flavor it, just as it is for a cow titty juice cheesecake.
No no I just have my mind in the Mariana Trench, to me that sentence sounded like biscoff would somehow make your butt soft as tofu cheesecake or summon whatever a “tofu cheesecake bottom” is.
Well, yeah, if you eat too much.
You’d want to use silken tofu, of course,
Ooooooh. I was thinking of firm tofu and was like “that sounds awful, the taste and texture would be all wrong.” But that makes a lot more sense.
Nothing against tofu, its a wonderful food, but I’m having trouble visualizing how tofu can ever replicate cheesecake. Do you have a recipe?
One quick google brings up this recipe:, which looks quite good. (I’m tempted to try it actually, it’s been awhile since I had cheesecake!)
The important thing is that it uses silken tofu, which is a totally different texture from the tofu you’d usually use in a stir fry or scramble. I’ve had silken tofu chocolate pudding and it was one of the best desserts I’ve ever experienced. I have no doubt it would make a great cheesecake.
I made a tofu cheesecake and I think I remember just taking regular firm tofu and blending it in either soymilk or water until it got velvety but IDK, maybe it tasted awful and not like cheesecake.
I assume there were other ingredients but I find the thought amusing you just blended and baked or cooled a slurry of watery soymilk tofu
Thanks friend. I’ll consider giving it a shot.
There are also vegan cream cheese variants or you can take vegan yoghurt and get the water out by wrapping it in a dishtowel. My wife is really crafty with this stuff, shoot me a DM if you have any baking related questions.
Will do!
Wouldn’t yogurt be too tangy?
Depends on the yogurt really. My wife says you could also take already flavored yogurt like vanilla yogurt that way you already have some flavoring in your DIY cream cheese as well.
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cookie butter blew up in the last few years and I noticed how Biscoff cookies were offered in a few US airlines as a snack even on domestic flights
legit only place I’ve seen them. I just assumed it was airlines trying to seem sophisticated by throwing something European at us hangry burgerlanders while we fart into our seats.
Same reason there was a run on Sriracha a few years ago. People that normally find bell pepper spicy realized that Sriracha could be mixed with mayo to create a very tame spicy aioli.
i avoided it because it was trendy (and i assumed boring) but a few mos ago i tried it and it has become my favorite everyday hot sauce
im just a sucker for sweet & spicy
Not throwing shade at sriracha at all. I’ve been using it since before the trendsetters, its a great hot sauce and still a staple in my pantry.
it’s criminal how much they are charging for a bottle at my store since the original went out of business (i ran out need more)
I fucking love biscoff
never even heard of it
Is yummy 😋
culinary trend that eventually gets hopped on by brands and combined into their own products on store shelves.
For the trendsetting chefs etc upstream of that, I assume the humbleness of the biscuit and sort of related notions of ‘authenticity’ is/was part of the appeal. “Remember those grandma ass biscuits you thought were bad? Well actually they’re good. I would know, because I’m the Real Deal.”
I’d guess this process of bougie ‘elevation’ of a humble (cheap) foodstuff is also profitable under the right circumstances
They are good tho
What is going on?
I got one of those biscoff knock-off Mcflurries at hungry jacks and it was like 50% biscoff and was really nice, so I got another one and it just had a tiny layer of biscoff on top and on the bottom, I think the first one I got was a fluke.