Hello again everyone, Dihar here. It’s been a while since the last release of treedome, but here you go! This release is all about UI update, emojis, and bug fixes. Please consult this git diff for a more detailed changelog https://codeberg.org/solver-orgz/treedome/compare/0.4.5...0.5.0. These are the highlight of the release.

  • Add emoji picker for title, will show up in tree!
  • Text Editor toolbar is back, now with option to toggle both toolbar and floating menu independently!
  • Checkbox is here! Thanks Mantine UI!
  • You can check the size of each notes by navigating to Escape Menu -> Configure -> Show Note Sizes!
  • Add created/last modified date in notes. Note created before this will not have this field and will set as today’s date!
  • Create child note can now be done through dropdown instead of only from shortcuts!
  • Fix bugs of saving empty tree
  • General UI update and more stability for auto scrolling in tree view
  • Documentation update
  • tengkuizdihar@programming.devOP
    7 months ago

    If you really want to be future proof and interoperable, I suggest you to use something like a git repository + vscode + foam (https://github.com/foambubble/foam). All of the tech is open source and relatively easy to use, especially if you already know git.

    Treedome on the other hand can be abandoned. It can be swallowed by the sands of time. It uses a custom file format after all. But because of its open-source nature, as long as you have the code, you can open the notes. But that’s a good idea, to be able to export to a plaintext file. You could make a request here if you want https://codeberg.org/solver-orgz/treedome/issues