considerably more than 90% of people who undertake a calorie restriction diet regain all the lost weight, or more, within 5 years.
Is this true? This study suggests that 20% of people who lose weight keep the weight off, and that the longer the weightloss is maintained, the more likely they are to keep it off
I’ve seen a lot of people (mostly women) who are not even close to being considered even chubby stress about their weight because they gained like 2kg. Our obsession with weight is really unhealthy and has little to do with actual health concerns.
Is this true? This study suggests that 20% of people who lose weight keep the weight off, and that the longer the weightloss is maintained, the more likely they are to keep it off
I am open to the idea that i am wrong.
Your point still stands no matter the % tbh.
I’ve seen a lot of people (mostly women) who are not even close to being considered even chubby stress about their weight because they gained like 2kg. Our obsession with weight is really unhealthy and has little to do with actual health concerns.