That was like the second highest top level comment, and all the evopsych dipshits came out of the woodwork to talk about how “that won’t happen because a robot can’t pay their bills for them and take care of them.”
In a world where you can have a sentient robot Waifu people will still need to pay bills. And, like, bruh, if your robot waifu isn’t taking care of you what is it doing?
That was like the second highest top level comment, and all the evopsych dipshits came out of the woodwork to talk about how “that won’t happen because a robot can’t pay their bills for them and take care of them.”
There’s just no treating brainworms like theirs.

In a world where you can have a sentient robot Waifu people will still need to pay bills. And, like, bruh, if your robot waifu isn’t taking care of you what is it doing?