Ok, going for full controversy here. zsh = “zoosh” ssh = “shoosh” sudo = sue-dough
Before you achktually me, I know it’s supposed to be “sue-DO”, because the acronym stands for “superuser do”, but for the life of me, when I see those letters together it just seems wrong to pronounce it that way.
For ZSH and SSH I just speak the letters: Z-S-H, S-S-H. Sudo as
“SUE-do”“SUE-doo”.One I wonder about is xrandr. I say “EKS-rand-ur”, have heard others say “eks-R-and-R”.
edit: for sudo long vowel. Also I tend to stress the H in ZSH and SSH.
I have also always said eks-rand-ur. Not heard eks-R-and-R
Technically it stands for “rotate and rescale” or something like that.