Ok, going for full controversy here. zsh = “zoosh” ssh = “shoosh” sudo = sue-dough
Before you achktually me, I know it’s supposed to be “sue-DO”, because the acronym stands for “superuser do”, but for the life of me, when I see those letters together it just seems wrong to pronounce it that way.
I enjoy your pronunciation! I’ve been using Linux primary for nearly 20 years now. Here’s my list:
For you, is it ‘reG-eks’ or ‘reJ-eks’? I know it should absolutely be the former, but my brain tells me to say the latter when I read it.
Like gif
lol. Well played.
Always the former. It’s a short form if regular expression, not rejular expression. But I don’t really judge others for their chosen pronunciation, as long as it’s understandable.
'Nam flashback to the Gif/Jif pronouciation wars.
Zee shells See shells
by the awk soo-doo
for the sed reg-seks.
I know that may sound harsh, but experience doesn’t qualify here. You even may have introduced your doctrine to others!!
To provide something to the discussion, here are the common sounds from Germany:
'awk (from Hawk) or AHH-WEE-KAAH!!
SETT or even ESS-EH-DEH.
People knowing that it can be named as “superuser do” still say su-Doh. Then on the other hand, dont ask about REH-DU!