(Please don’t downvote just because I need some help.)

I was once a privacy nut. But it’s getting so hard nowadays, and there are so many more important problems – global warming, AI, the inevitable collapse of the current world order… how does privacy improve the world? Please help remind me.

I do approve of privacy, of course. All this protect-the-children flak is bullshit. I just can’t remember why I thought it was something worth fighting for and preaching about.

  • foremanguy@lemmy.ml
    7 months ago

    In this world the companies are willing always more money and the govs want more power. Since the beginning of the Humans we speak and we discuss physically, and the capitalism couldn’t ever remove that to people. But now there is a new way of communication that everyone can use, the usage of internet. And the companies really understand that so they went fast to go before the people and catch this new technology to deceive the people on the real use case and way of using it. Today the way of distance communicating is mostly in the hands of big techs, so as I seen here, privacy is a shield and it shouldn’t be perfect but is to protect you from big techs. The privacy is not going to resolve some of the most important problems in the world, but in the world we leave if we do nothing to counter these acts it would be even worst. So privacy is a shield to protect the population from the future consequences of capitalism.