What the fuck level of cult of personality even is this? They’re writing fan fic about their fucking overlords. What the fuck I cannot emphasize enough what the fuck?
At least when I write fanfiction like this, everybody gets universal healthcare at the end.
When I write fanfic my cute OCs do big kisses
In my fanfics everyone has a JoJo stand, and Kamala’s is called The Police
VancexWalz yaoi sounds like some cogito-hazard shit. I want to watch the wold burn. 😈 🔥
Who said I didn’t do that.
universal healthcare
Sure is funny how this was never again mentioned after Ol Joe won.
Read this as Oi Joe and pictured Biden in Docs with suspenders and a white collared shirt
Innit, Jack
Unlike them, I have the creativity to create better fictitious bonapartist figures to save capital through green socdem reforms.
Unironically this is the end result of Hamilton and West Wing and hell even fucking School House Rock (for all the 30 something US Americans). This is real “end of history” thinking. Democracy is the final form, this is it, the problem is that the wrong people keep getting voted in, bad people, because “oh Republicans are stupid” or “oh Russia Boris what time is it in Moscow” or “oh leftists let Trump win”. We just need real people of character to get in there and do politics and reach across the aisle and just have heart to heart talks with fascists and get things done FOR AMERICA because America is perfect! We just keep electing the wrong people but don’t worry we’ll fix it
If only we had a better king, everything would be just great!
-Random serf, 1438
Unironically, in 1916 you would still have peasants saying “if only the tsar knew how the lords were treating us, then he could put a stop to it!” Americans have the same relationship to the US Constitution
Americans have the same relationship to the US Constitution
The way some muricans worship that shit is just absolutely bizarre lmao
It’s never the kings fault, it’s that vile vizier…or the eunuchs,
Schoolhouse Rock was from 1973. I’m not sure how old 30 somethings are where you live
eh, i’m in my 30s and they still showed it when i was in elementary school
feels like the sort of thing that doesn’t really need too much updating since it’s meant to teach literal children the absolute basics
Damn, they kept it up that long? I’m Canadian so maybe that’s why, but it for sure aired on our TV in the 70s cause my dad and uncles are very familiar and have various long running verbal memes about it and this was in the 3 channel days so there was no getting American stations. Probably why it didn’t keep airing here, but now that I think about it, it’s weird we had it at all.
they did! wheeled out the tv cart and everything.
I’m Canadian
that does make this all a lot stranger. i never even entertained the thought that it would be played as a regular program on tv, let alone in a different country with an entirely different system of governance. it always had such “made for a specific audience to watch on tape” vibes.
but yeah i wish i knew people younger than me who grew up in the same area, i’d be curious when/if it stopped being a thing.
also i just checked the wiki and apparently it ran for 7 seasons. the only parts i recognize are apparently from the third season: “To coincide with the upcoming United States Bicentennial, a third season, America Rock, airing in 1975 and 1976, had music videos covering the structure of the United States government (such as “I’m Just a Bill”) along with important moments in American history (examples include “The Preamble” and “Mother Necessity”).” i genuinely thought it was a one-shot special or smth, like a PSA. at least now its reach makes a little more sense? still fucking weird though
I thought it was these a series of shorts used to eat up children’s air time back when advertising to children wasn’t as allowed
yup that’s correct; wiki says it was designed to be put between programs during saturday morning cartoons
i had just never encountered it on the air, only in vhs format. apparently they put more of this shit in 2009(!!!) but it was a reunion style thing.
Dang that old. They were still having us watch it when I was in elementary school
“Mr. President, a second Sorkin Brain has hit the liberal psyche.”
School hourse rock on language and maths; awesome, pure, wonderful
School house rock on politics; ansolute zero pure evil doctrinal propaganda trhat has done irrepairable harm to the world.
Elbow room, anyone?
Oh shit I fuckin forgot about that one. Wow. That was real egregious in hindsight. Damn
I’ve said it before. Liberals are narrativists. Everything must be a story for them, and if it’s all going wrong? Well that’s where the hero doubles down.
We saw this with Biden. First he was the stoic, refusing to move when all around him was chaos. Then when he stepped down the story changed, he became a saintly martyr.
I think this is just all Amerifat political discourse, our people think real life works the way movies do, which is why while Trump was flopping in office they had to make up that he was doing 4D chess or hiding his power, as if things were going to turn out like a climax in a double cross heist film.
Or even more sinister, they do the opposite and venerate fiction like Dune, LotR and GoT as if it was real history, then use those ‘histories’ to base their opinions on.
Yep, you think their idea of a chosen one leader or shifting loyalties between camps are from the Bible or history, but their mental model is actually the plotline from some show or movie they watched while eating.
I personally became as liberal as they come after reading The Giver. I used this in conjunction with Narnia to synthesize Markism-Lenonism-Yoko Onoism.
The giver is such sinister evil shit. “Here’s a book about why sharing is bad for children!”
I haven’t read that book in decades but I didn’t get that message from it. The message I thought I got was why suppressing messy feelings for the sake of conformity and “stability” was bad. What did I miss?
Oh the book is super anti-communist. The whole thing is basically “gommunism is going to tell everyone what to do, destroy the family unit, make fun illegal, and will practice eugenics.”
9-year old me thought all that sounded pretty good if we just didn’t do the eugenics part. I don’t think that’s what my 4th. grade teacher was hoping I’d get out of it lmao
This old video by thoughtslime perfectly explains this and when I saw it years ago it really opened my eyes to what bothered me about your average liberal.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
This shit is why liberals cannot and will not ever take fascism seriously
They cannot even comprehend the possibility that someone might be evil for ideological reasons, and is in fact enthusiastically evil. For them, people who are evil must be evil because something bad happened to them in their past and they just didn’t get a hug
If true fascism ever came, idiots like this would probably still try to act like it’s an episode of the West Wing and psychoanalyze the fascist death squads leading them to the wall. It’s infuriating how little they can take this shit seriously
I find liberals generally chalk up conservatism to ignorance. Liberals assume that conservatives are liberals in waiting who just need to be educated and given the right information.
A lot of us think most people are communists in waiting but as people who actually believe in something we have seen just how powerful a nihilistic cultural identity that opposes communism is and how giving people the right information does nothing because they have a lifetime trained immune response to these specific ideas. It’s infuriating that liberals think their tepid “information” and a pity hug would effortlessly bring conservatives to their values neutral Jesus
Libs say the same about us
We must be brainwashed/bots because how dare we not agree to everything in liberalism
right is composed of (violent) special snowflakes
liberals are composed of cattleArmchair psychoanalysis allows them to feel morally and intellectually superior while not doing or even saying anything of real substance.
Because they’re removed enough to where politics is, as others have said, a show. It’s Steven Universe. It’s West Wing. It’s Harry Potter. They want all their favorite characters, good and evil, to have a showdown or hug it out or otherwise resolve their conflicts so Harry can smile as he sends his kids to Hogwarts and know that all is now well.
I imagine this person thinks of Trump as a Palpatine sort of figure of pure evil, corrupting young and misguided Vance, who can still be redeemed and returned to the good, liberal light at the end of Act III.
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The writing was fucked up, not the reading. It’s good, but the last portion of the series dropped the ball with the theme.
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It was pretty rushed and so they didn’t really have the diamonds take responsibility for the lives they destroyed for their empire. It was more focused on the family issues.
The diamonds weren’t forgiven so much as had their records expunged so they could sing songs for the movie.
It was never realistic, but there was a distinct lack of average gems confronting the diamonds for their actions. The diamonds work to restore damage, but they can only do so much given the massive violence inflicted with thousands of years of imperialism on a galactic scale.
Let that be. Alesson t you - have your characters shoot the bad guy in the head and watch him die on screen so no one libs out about your show.
I just realized something: Their fanfic is the millennial equivalent of saying “we need a strong Republican Party.”
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these are the people who take their adult emotional development cues from the inside out movies
Calves cramping. Mommy Kamala and Daddy Biden coming over for dinner. Sageing the oval office with Michelle Obama and HRC. The list of fan fiction knows no bounds for these deranged lunatics.
Worst yaoi ever
When gay goes bad
Unironically Steven-Universe-brained.
They fully swallowed the lie chuds have been using since gamergate “stop swearing revenge on me and then promise you’ll forgive me. I’ll turn good after you enter this one-sided friendship with me, I promise!”
We are no one’s unpaid therapist. Forgiveness is earned, not owed.
These people want to go back to 2012 Tumblr and nothing fills the void
You mean Tumblr with porn?
What if they kissed 🥺
I can fix him
There are 2 wolves within the Democratic party
Wow, Vance is so weird… where did all these reactionary politics come from? It’s totally unlike the United States to have high-level politicians that are so fascist, very weird. And I am normal btw
Vance just needs a hug. The 2 parties just need to come together and forgive each other and we can get this country back on track :)
Both wolves cannot see the fascist
that is about to hit them