NO! Me and my partner started watching X-Files, in a mostly random order. Seriously in like season fucking 7 she’s like “I don’t buy this mumbo jumbo super natural crap Mulder, even though we encountered something very similar to this like a week ago!”
Like Jesus girl you’re not a skeptic, you’re just contrarian.
Ok he gets a pass too.
I hate how efffective the 90s was at making FBI agents loveable.
That’s where the media has been going wrong with making feds all serious Jack Reacher types these days. To win non-chuds they need to go back to quirky shinanigans (without resorting to Marvel slop)
Wait. That’s what’s replaced it for libs, Marvel slop. That how feds and cops are marketed to libs now.
Shit I just went on an ADHD induced rant didn’t I?
It’s actually a trope of the time. FBI good guys vs CIA bad guys. Isn’t it the same in Sicario?
I think there was just a high volume of police shows that they managed to make a handful of great “quirky” ones. Now, literally every show/movie is like that
, and the police show genre is just chud crap lol.