The chosen one
He’s a millennial at heart. Poor guy just runs for office so he’s got a place to live. He’s trying to move from the governor’s mansion to the naval Observatory.
What a chump. Doesn’t he know he is supposed to enrich himself? It’s almost like he’s a good, moral person from the middle class.
Had me in the first half.
Fuck yeah, I like this guy more and more.
And so far the best they’ve come up with is “Tampon Tim”? Mfer is going to wear that as a badge of pride. What a solid choice
Beginning to think he may become known as Teflon Tim instead
Walz’s modest financial profile stands in stark contrast to that of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, who
isclaims to be a billionaire several times over,FTFY.
Walz repainted my house and didn’t accept anything for it but my gratitude
“Donald Trump, who is a billionaire several times over”
Since no one has ever proven he’s ever been a billionaire they should have the word allegedly in there.
Wait, he doesn’t have giant conflict of interests?
Look, I want to love this guy, but this is sadly suspicious.
he just like me fr
The obvious question to me is, what did he do with his money?
He sold his house for $300k when he moved into the governor’s mansion four yars ago, but he didn’t keep the money from the sale? He has an upper middle class salary, but no savings?
Either he’s got a bunch of credit card debt to pay off or a drug habit, or he keeps his savings in cash under his mattress. But money doesn’t just vanish like that.