You consume and discard many things throughout your life. The fact that you consume so much should make you uncomfortable. I agree with using customer instead of consumer, but only because I want to get away from the idea that your only purpose in life is to consume things. I hate that being a “consumer” is normalized. Consumptive culture is both terrible for the environment and for the health of society.
It is terrible for the environment but it’s the only way to make it work the system we crested: if you don’t consume other people whose jobs consist in providing you with stuff or services don’t get paid, next cycle they won’t have the money to request whatever you sell or do, the system enters s downward spiral for lack of demand. Our system only works like that. There is no escape.
You consume and discard many things throughout your life. The fact that you consume so much should make you uncomfortable. I agree with using customer instead of consumer, but only because I want to get away from the idea that your only purpose in life is to consume things. I hate that being a “consumer” is normalized. Consumptive culture is both terrible for the environment and for the health of society.
It is terrible for the environment but it’s the only way to make it work the system we crested: if you don’t consume other people whose jobs consist in providing you with stuff or services don’t get paid, next cycle they won’t have the money to request whatever you sell or do, the system enters s downward spiral for lack of demand. Our system only works like that. There is no escape.