I’m reading through the thread and it’s some of the most unhinged stuff I’ve ever read. People who’ve been in Ukraine have low morale and believe the foreign volunteers are being used as cannon fodder. Then there’s the unhinged bloodthirsty reddit hogs calling for widespread civilian insurgency, doing that American thing where they demand dying on your own terms rather than accept you were wrong for a second. There are also a lot of folk with a 4chan attitude of giggling at warfare.
Yeah do not join the foreign legion in Ukraine. Looks like they’ll hand you a rifle and one magazine of ammo then park you in front of an urban checkpoint so you’ll draw bombs away from evacuating civilians. That seems like the only use foreign volunteers have right now.
widespread civilian insurgency
Lmao, because my relatives told me that the main wish of civilians is “Just fucking end this as soon as possible, no matter how, up to complete surrender if necessary”.
Although they are in the Eastern Ukraine, popular sentiment in other areas may be very different.
park you in front of an urban checkpoint so you’ll draw bombs away from evacuating civilians. That seems like the only use foreign volunteers have right now.
Critical support, I guess?
We love to see it folks
i find it tragic that the propaganda is so powerful people were fooled into dying for NATO and neo nazis.
Dying for a country you couldn’t point on a damn map
Absolutely epic
On the bright side, a lot of them were likely former US/Western Special Forces “operators”, so everyone that gets corrected by a Russian missile is one fewer potential stormtrooper.
They actually believed Ukraine was winning and that they’d have the chance to call in ghost of Kyiv airstrikes like they did in Iraq and Afghanistan…
Not so nice to be on the receiving end of that I guess
Westoids legit thought that this war is the same as killing and raping random middle easterns.
No one wants to die in an unfair fight
W*stoid scums not so tough when they have to fight someone of their own size
Someone in that thread was unironically calling the OP a Russian troll, lmao
I wish every war crime committing spec ops taticool mercenary a very happy kalibir cruise missile
Hemingway wrote about this 85 years ago
what did he say
lol lmao
Hmmmmm can’t find the post on the sub for some strange reason.
Anyone willing to pick up a rifle and point it at an enemy deserves at least a modicum of respect from those that won’t. And that’s true for the Russians as well as the Ukrainians
it is actually worse to shoot someone than not. they lied to you dude there’s nothing in this but mothers grieving the loss of their children.
war is like caves there’s nothing there for you that you want to have
Testosterone will really warp a mfers brain.
I mean I’m a dude and I know that war is an evil. My dad taught me, his dad taught him and his dad helped him dodge the draft.
that being said I’m a grown man but there is no way my mum would let me go and fight in a warzone
There’s definitely an intersection of socialization and biology, but I’m also not seeing any non-male identified persons doing an adverturism.
but we only try and socialise men to go and do an adventurism. women are actively discouraged.