Dependent on the length of the horn blast, however
The only polite way is to lay on the horn non-stop while following them to their destination (so they know you’re there), when they stop, get out, approach them as quickly as possible (to be respectful of their time) to thank them for going
This is generally accepted in any situation and is loved by many drivers.
Yup. A quick tap of the horn or double tap is fine. Even a 1 second blast. Once we get into 2 seconds blast territory, it transitions to rude, with 3+ seconds going up linearly on the deranged jackass scale
It’s the difference of saying hey and HHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYY! @#$@!#$!@@$@#$!
If said this for years, cars need a secondary polite horn
What about a third, really aggressive horn that’s just a train horn?
Install a compressor, tank, and train horn all off instragram
Sadly horn volume is regulated with the intention of preventing things like loud air horns from being used on personal vehicles.
No, you just play thomas the tank engine theme
I saw some video of an infuriatingly positive and giggly guy mod his horn this way. To add insult to injury iirc (which is about 50/50 after so many years) he used an arduino to do it. Video got a gazillion likes and many supporting comments. It unexpectadly became the last straw before deleting my facebook account.
I know… I’m no fun.
15 times in a short burst
A solid 10 second blast and a flash of your gun to let em know no funny business.
Ya know, sane stuff
In my opinion, if sufficient time has passed… it was never rude. It’s rude to not pay attention and cause the last three cars to miss the light.
If you’re the line leader, you have a duty to get your ass moving.
I feel like some people always have their hand hovering over the horn, just waiting for the light to turn green to smash their hand down on it.
Was it ever rude? Like, get going. Obviously need a wake up either way.
As others have mentioned the way you honk can be rude. And honking too quickly.
Like when I was about to clean my room and Mom would tell me to clean my room.
😤 well now I’m not gonna
I honestly think I say “no” at work when I mean yes, (and everyone knows it) just so that I can have this little rebellion
That’s why I always have to remind you!
I can’t believe just how many people are so nonchalant about anyone using their phone while driving.
I never even reach for mine when I’m behind the wheel, even when stopped at a red light. Slippery slope, I want to keep that habit “clean” and doing that starts to slowly blur the line and make is harder for the habit to stick.
Amen, brotha!
Today I sat at a green light for at least 10 seconds because the person ahead of me was visibly taking a selfie
There have been times where I was genuinely grateful somebody honked at me because I was zoned at a green light so no I don’t think it’s rude as long as you’re not harassing the person
Same here, and I felt genuinely embarassed and apologized with a handwave to the driver behind me.
The people I lay on my horn to are the ones crossing the intersection and don’t have enough room to make it all the way across and block me when my light turns green. I’ll lay on my horn until you have enough room. Didn’t move through the whole light cycle… I can still have my horn going.
It’s not rude where I live. You generally give them a short double honk and then you see them wave in the mirror to say sorry as they start moving. I usually give 3-5 seconds before I do it.
Yea I mean, the 3-5 seconds is the only thing that matters here right? Fuck those assholes who sit on their horn .243 seconds after the light turns green like they are on a drag strip watching the tree.
But if I’ve been sittin there for a few seconds and havnt realized the light has turned then I’m not gonna get upset about a short, light honk.
It’s only rude if they’re moving. If they delay more than a second they obviously aren’t paying attention.
Since COVID I’ve seen more red light runners than the previous 20 years of driving. I wait long enough to check the oncoming traffic to see that they are slowing. I am not risking a tbone for 3 seconds.
Probably the only good reason not to get going right away. And honestly, if this was the case with everyone else, then I’d have no problems waiting a little longer, but so far my experience is that waiting is usually fruitless in these situations.
I mean obviously I’m waiting for the coast to be clear before I move. But I can do that before my green comes.
I have a whole protocol for this.
You got a 5-count once there’s no one in front of you to go. Then you get a quick tap.
Then you get a 2-count to start moving. Then you get a double tap.
Then you get another 2-count. If you haven’t started moving by now, you get 1 tap every second until you fucking move for the love of fuck just fucking GO jesus tap-dancing christ in a Bethlaham drag show GO!!
At a red light, it is the responsibility of the first driver in line to check their phone. It is the responsibility of the second driver to watch the light and honk to let the first one know when it changes.
Respect for making me laugh about something that annoys me soooo much
You’re awfully generous with that 5 count. I’ve got places to be.
I concur. Some places here, the whole green phase is only 5 seconds (complex intersections with deconflicting traffic lights).
I like your approach.
My protocol is:
1.) Stop at red light being the second car in the row
2.) Casually rest thumb on horn button
3.) Vibe till traffic stops, observe vehicle up front for breaklights going off, any movement or judder signaling the driver is getting ready, on/off system restarts the engine, etc.
4.) If any effort is observed: feel content and have faith in my fellow man
If no effort is observed: as soon as the light turns green, flash once, observe response for 1 second. If no effect, lay on the horn until vehicle starts moving. Overtake at next opportunity, because there are a lot of lights and ahead and this is a clearly distracted driver, so keep distance.
Sometimes I honk, but I press the horn too hard so it does the BIG honk, instead of the little polite honk I wanted and then I feel like a jerk.
Can confirm. My parents are always like that.
I like to be nice and give people at least thirty seconds, but I’m never in a hurry. I heavily pad driving times. I hate, hate, hate driving in a hurry. I’m usually a half hour early to everything.
Conversely I find it super rude when people give me less than a few seconds to react to a light. There’s so much rude driving in general. Be polite and courteous on the road. Didn’t your mother ever teach you to be polite?
30 seconds?!? Lights cycle faster than that where I live! 🤣
Yeah that’s going to go red and then back to green before you give a lil toot.
What valid reasons do you have to ever take longer than a couple of second getting off of a light? I can understand if it looks like someone isn’t going to stop for cross traffic, but in my experiences, that is very seldom. Other than that, you’re either an asshole or distracted.
I hope we never meet on the road. Have you considered Uber?