What are your favorite time travel episodes? Also what are your least favorite?
DS9 Trials and Tribble-ations
it’s not an “episode” but Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
TNG Yesterday’s Enterprise I’ve also always found to be an intriguing glimpse at an era we’ve never really seen otherwise
My far-and-away favorite is Paste Tense from DS9. The conversation between Bashir and Sisko in the tent city hits me like a hammer on the heart every time.
Least-favorite would have to be the lion’s share of Picard s2, but specifically the episode where the gang tries to pull an Ocean’s 11 at that gala event and Picard gets run over by a car.
Least-favorite would have to be the lion’s share of Picard s2, but specifically the episode where the gang tries to pull an Ocean’s 11 at that gala event and Picard gets run over by a car.
I agree. And that episode was especially stupid, but it was a special kind of stupid. I thought the late Annie Wersching’s performance as the Borg Queen was a highlight. It reminded me of Wayne Pygam’s scene-chewing-but-snarky performance as Head Scorpius from Farscape. And then Alison Pill got to show off her pipes singing “Shadows of the Night” while the band and spotlight operator jumped right in. Made no goddamn sense, but I loved it.
Also, Pat Benatar is now canon in Star Trek.
Made no goddamn sense, but I loved it.
Ha. I just assumed she assimilated an ipod somewhere between scenes.
Past Tense is such a well done two-parter, too. Having watched it again recently it’s a bit scary how close it came to reality…
Does Voyager’s Shattered count? The ship being split into different phases in time both past and future. It’s one of my favorites.
For DS9 - Little Green Men and Trials and Tribble-ations are classic!
TNG: Time’s arrow. I loved the Guinan backstory, Mark Twain, the western setting, and especially that it was all Data centric.
Time’s Arrow is really fun
It’s hard to choose a favorite, but one that comes to mind is the Star Trek Enterprise episode “Carbon Creek” where some Vulcans crash land on Earth in the 1950’s (before first contact) and introduce humanity to velcro.
+1 for Carbon Creek. I guess it’s technically not exactly a time-travel episode, but it scratches that itch better than most.
Favourites: Yesterday’s Enterprise, Troubles and Tribbleations, Past Tense, Time’s Arrow, All Good Things, and Star Trek IV.
Lease favourites: Literally all of the rest.
Perfect list
TOS: City on the Edge of Forever - Written by Harlan Ellison with Joan Collins as Edith Keeler.
One of the all-time best episodes of all of trek.
There are so many good ones to choose from across all the shows. Since Past Tense and All Good Things have already been mentioned, I’ll say Time’s Arrow. The hook at the beginning of the episode is just too good. I mean,
finding Data’s head in a cave on some random planet while Data is standing right there?
The whole scene with Mrs. Carmichael trying to collect rent… Mr. Pick-ard! Snake canes eating souls, Mark Twain, Guinan and Picard meeting…
Also, Little Green Men is a great one.
Yesterday’s Enterprise…
No, wait: it has to be Trials and Tribble-ations
@GuyGamer234 I love “Future’s End” from VOY and “Past Tense” from DS9.
TNG’s All Good Things is probably my all-time-favorite; with close-seconds to DS9’s The Visitor and TOS’s City on the Edge of Forever as runners up. Honorable mention to DS9’s Far Beyond the Stars, while technically a vision/fever-dream it’s one of Star Trek’s finest hours.
Far Beyond the Stars is probably DS9’s best episode IMO - but it’s funny, I never considered it a time-travel ep before. I guess it fits that bill too.
I suppose it sort of is a time travel episode?
Avery Brooks’ acting in that one is top notch either way.
I suppose if we are counting it, then we should also discuss The Visitor. Tony Todd does such a great job as old Jake, and as a father myself, this episode hits the feels really hard. And then later Tony Todd is back as Kurn and there’s no way you could tell it’s the same actor, other than his voice.
The Visitor is probably my favorite, and in the running for my favorite episode. I remember when I put that episode on, innocently all ready to enjoy another episode of DS9… 45 minutes later I’m basically sobbing in front of my tv lol. The beautiful thing is it probably wouldn’t have hit as hard if they didn’t do such a great job of setting up Jake and Sisko’s relationship leading up to it. Not to mention the performance from all three actors. Watching their faces as they interact with one another is incredibly convincing and just pulls you fully into the scenes emotionally.
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PIC season 2 has a lot of moments I enjoy. Ito Aghayere’s Guinan not being just a 100% copy/paste younger version of Whoopi Goldberg’s Guinan, but still being believable as the character. Seven’s enjoyment at not being treated and feared like a Borg for the first time in her adult life (life threatening situation from the alternate future aside). Raffi being confused at a mugger wanting “her wallet,” and then Raffi mugging the mugger, lol. Really, all of Seven and Raffi’s scenes in L. A. after they leave the La Sirena to search for the Watcher.
DSC season 2 finale, “Such Sweet Sorrow.” The desperate battle. Admiral Cornwell. The goodbyes, that beautiful scene of Discovery following Burnham, with that magnificent music score. That episode always touches my heart.
DS9’s “Little Green Men” s4e8 and “Trials and Tribble-lations” s5e6 are well done fun.
TNG’s “Yesterday’s Enterprise” s3e15 is great. Whoa, that battle at the end, the Enterprise-D against those Klingon Birds of Prey. I know how it won’t end – meaning an end to TNG, but in the moment it’s hard to believe how it won’t end.
TAS’ “Yesteryear” s1e2. I think it’s an episode well worth watching. And, it reaffirms that Sarek and Amanda seriously know how to keep secrets (Sybok, Micheal Burnham), because they must have had some suspicions about how much cousin Selek was like adult Spock.
While those are my favorites, the good thing is that I enjoy the time travel episodes that I didn’t list here, too.
I’ll vote for Prodigy’s Time Amok.
The premise was really creative and it was delightful seeing the cast work together while not sharing the spot light with each other. And oh Gosh… poor Rok-Tahk.
I was surprised recently to realize that it might actually be “Time’s Arrow”-- the more so because I’m not as much of a TNG person as I always thought I was. But Time’s Arrow is a fun romp through a nifty and underserved setting, and the ending with Mark Twain is I think one of the most important sequences in TNG.