0 hits on the crack pipe
Can I just squeeze all the rest (aside from the 8 hours of sleep) of the items into the 2 hours of no phone before bed and then spend the rest of my day doomscrolling in bed?
Gimme an exercise I can do that trains “all”/most muscles (especially hi & low back), isn’t boring me to death (no plank) and can be done in a cramped space and I’m in.
Plank is 2 mins of boredom at most. If it’s any longer you need to add weights
Feels like an eternity though!
That is your life extending. Learn to love it.
He he Catch-22 quote right here :-)
Kettlebell swings
Hey thats a good start, got one too (no more back problems!)
How quickly do you get bored? Plank should not last longer than one or two minutes. You can put your phone on the floor and watch YouTube if you need constant stimulation.
Pushups, pullups/chinups, squats and lunges are a minimal but near full routine. Alternate arms and legs, 3 sets x 8 reps each, preferably done in a circuit. You need 3 minutes between muscle groups to let ATP/ADP regenerate, so with the alternating sets, rest 90 seconds between each exercise. Muscles need 48hrs rest to build, so do the below no more than 3x/week. Good form is way, way more important than reps. Start with good form and do as many as you can each timr till you hit 8.
Pushups x 8
Rest 90 sec
Squats x 8
Rest 90 sec
Chinups/Pull-ups x 8
Rest 90 sec
Lunges x 8 per leg
Rest 90 sec
Like who eats this much I eat one time and that feels too expensive
Six eating events per day is not healthy. It’s going to keep your blood sugar high
Not if you are eating whole food.
0 times of being poor
You lost me at healthy
So, we just need to get one of these per day right?
SIX MINUTES of meditation. I mean. Is that even meditation.
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And a partridge in a pear tree.