I (28M) have this friend named Angela (31F) (although we all usually just call her “Angie”). Angela is the cutest girl in the world, and I am madly in love with her, although she is single and childfree and she prefers being single and childfree. She’s also a marathon runner and a medical doctor in the USAF Reserves, so she’s got a really sexy, athletic body.
Last month, Angela and I visited a national park along with three of our friends (28M, 29M, 29M). Angie was the only girl there. It was a very hot and humid day, so she was wearing nothing but her short shorts and a very low-cut spaghetti strap sports bra that left nothing to the imagination. She didn’t even bring a spare shirt or any other clothes (all she brought to the trip were her phone, a water bottle and her body), so she was almost-naked for the entire day. I and the other guys really appreciated the fact that she was dressed up like a slut, and we thought she was dressed up this way as a sexual favor for us all. So we all kept making sexual jokes about her throughout our trip. Angie just found our perverse jokes amusing, and she laughed along with us and took it all pretty well. The only time she voiced discomfort was when she said “I wish I was wearing a shirt today”. Because it was so hot and humid, and because we were walking so much, Angie was sweating so heavily right from the start of our trip, and she kept sweating heavily for our entire 3-hour-trip. So the guys and I kept joking about licking her sweat off her body. Again, she just thought it was funny.
About an hour-and-a-half into our trip, just as a joke and an excuse to touch Angela’s skin, I sneaked up behind her and grabbed her bare shoulders and yelled out her name. She immediately started screaming, and she actually collapsed onto her knees and she began crying and hyperventilating. She was on her knees, clutching her chest and crying hysterically for a full 30 minutes. It was so unexpected, and it was awkward and uncomfortable to watch. Eventually Angie calmed down enough to stand up again. However, for the rest of our trip, she wouldn’t stop sweating and crying quietly and she kept her arms wrapped around her chest, and she kept whimpering “oh my god please”.
Our trip continued for another hour after Angie stood back up, although like I said, she never stopped crying and whimpering. Eventually, she just told us that she wanted to go back home, and she said “I’m so scared that I think I’m going to die”. She was acting as if I and the other guys were about to gang up on her. To this day, I still think she was being incredibly overdramatic.
I met up with Angie again at her apartment a week after our disastrous national park trip. I could tell that she was not okay. She was stuttering and she was sweating profusely, and her hands kept shaking. Every time I made a sudden movement, like if I got up from my chair, she would whimper and cover her head with her hands. As I was about to leave, I wanted to comfort Angela, so I affectionately patted her head. This turned out to be a mistake, because she just started crying quietly and she told me “please don’t touch me”. So I instantly stopped touching her, and I left awkwardly. This was the last time I saw her in-person. Ever since I last saw her, I’ve been sending her texts and messages every single day, just asking how she’s doing. She never responds.
Is Angie just being overdramatic?
Sounds like a fake troll story, but then again I have known people to be this narcissistically unaware before in real life, so who knows. YTA clearly. Don’t perv on anyone. Her reaction indicates PTSD from a past assault, which you then gleefully triggered. I still don’t believe this story is even true because of its horribleness. If you are a troll, I hope you get bored. 🥱