After the interview Trump thought he nailed it and did a great job… so I mean conclude from that what you will.
If you thought he was there trying to court black voters, then yeah. He failed miserably. But there is absolutely NO way in hell even he would be dumb enough to give that performance if he was trying to get their votes.
This wasn’t a message for black voters. This was a message to shore up his own base. This was meant to tell his base “Hey, I’ve got your back. I’m gonna hurt all the right people this time, and as an example watch as I go right into their turf and put them in their place. And when I get re-elected, I’ll do the same to <insert other minority here> too!”
Racism is all he’s got left. It’s all he has left. He only had one other option: Telling everyone that his opponent is old and senile. That doesn’t work so well when your opponent is nearly two decades your junior. What else is he going to campaign on? Policies? Issues? I’d bet the left body part of your choice that he couldn’t even spell either word, much less campaign on them.
When Trump went to the UN as rhe president he either forgot he was talking at the UN and started doing one of his rally speeches or just thought one of his rally speches would be approiate to give there. Either way the entire crowd laughed at him and afterwards Trump really thought he did a great job.
Trump is so narcissistic that he doesn’t realize how stupid he is. Trump has no plans for his own presidency beyond escaping jail time. He is not some criminal mastermind making plans. He is like an evil Mr Magoo tripping his way thought life.
Look, I don’t want to insult stupid people, but trump is a deeply deeply stupid person, right?
After the interview Trump thought he nailed it and did a great job… so I mean conclude from that what you will.
If you thought he was there trying to court black voters, then yeah. He failed miserably. But there is absolutely NO way in hell even he would be dumb enough to give that performance if he was trying to get their votes.
This wasn’t a message for black voters. This was a message to shore up his own base. This was meant to tell his base “Hey, I’ve got your back. I’m gonna hurt all the right people this time, and as an example watch as I go right into their turf and put them in their place. And when I get re-elected, I’ll do the same to <insert other minority here> too!”
Racism is all he’s got left. It’s all he has left. He only had one other option: Telling everyone that his opponent is old and senile. That doesn’t work so well when your opponent is nearly two decades your junior. What else is he going to campaign on? Policies? Issues? I’d bet the left body part of your choice that he couldn’t even spell either word, much less campaign on them.
When Trump went to the UN as rhe president he either forgot he was talking at the UN and started doing one of his rally speeches or just thought one of his rally speches would be approiate to give there. Either way the entire crowd laughed at him and afterwards Trump really thought he did a great job.
Trump is so narcissistic that he doesn’t realize how stupid he is. Trump has no plans for his own presidency beyond escaping jail time. He is not some criminal mastermind making plans. He is like an evil Mr Magoo tripping his way thought life.