Hamas is known to have redundancies in place for cases like this. What is the goal of this? It seems like this is just going to create a Martyr, and won’t materially benefit Israel, just sour peace talks (unless that’s their aim).
I think the goal is to provoke a war with Iran. Netanyahu just got back from US where he presumably got the green light for it.
Would make sense, sadly. We will see.
That sounds like a terrible decision to make considering 50% of Israelis live in the 30 most populated cities, cities which are all clustered together and very bombable… then again, I don’t think jets from the late 70s would fare well against Israel’s very modern air defenses. An ancient F-14 or a MiG-29 would probably spontaneously collapse at the sight of a Patriot SAM operated by Israel.
They haven’t been behaving rationally for some time.
Depends on what’s considered “rational.” They’ve been successful as a genocidal settler-colonial ethnostate, but I think they are getting increasingly desparate as the international community notices their cracking mask.
i think ‘rational’ is sticking to the two-state solution. ‘Liberal’ Zionism is fading away.
If we are actually trying to solve the root cause of the conflict, then the only answer is a dissolution of the Israeli state, replacing it with a single, all-encompasing secular state with minority protections, and equal citizenship rights for Palestinians and Israelis. This won’t stop the new state from being a dog of US Imperial interests, of course, but would cease the genocide.
yea ik, I was talking from the Israeli Zionist perspective. Of course, a one state solution is the best solution.
Then their perspective is different, because Isn’treal oppose even the two state solution at every step.
Ah, gotcha. Well, for Zionists, acknowledging Palestinian Statehood ends their settler-colonial aspirations, so they won’t do it. They need to get the US fully involved in a broader Middle East war.
Sadly, there are too much religious nutjobs for this to work
They believe they’re better and should have more rights than other people
He was suing for a ceasefire. Can’t have that.
Clearly israel is not interested with negotiation.