Ublock Origin is an obvious one, but I also can’t stand not having Foxy Gestures anymore. It adds customizable mouse gestures, so you can set it up to have easy swipes to go back a page, reload a page, close a tab, etc, and it feels wonderful and smooth to use compared to just using the traditional buttons to do everything. Honestly it’s kinda wild to me that this isn’t more popular now that people are so used to phone gestures. It’s good for the same reasons!
Firefox Multi-Account Containers has to be one of my favorite extensions. Mixing work accounts and personal accounts in the same browser session but in different tabs has made my workflow much more efficient. You can force bind sites to a container so that you don’t accidentally use your personal account for anything workplace related.
This is has been so useful in my attempts to go FireFox full time. I always had Edge and Firefox on the work laptop to separate things when needed, but the containers completely eliminated that.
My one critique would be if the assigned links wouldn’t open an empty tab when that specific container opens.
This one. I need to use Farcebook occasionally and this allows me to stay logged in without getting tracked elsewhere. Same for my Google account.
Definitely one of my favorites. My only wish is that they had a more flexible way to predefine lists of domains and containers and/or do wildcard matching for domains.
Have you figured out a way to combine it with windows, such that each window has a designated container, and all tabs open in that container?
Dark Reader, because dark mode rocks.
Count this as my vote as well. Take every other extension away (uBlock Origin excluded obv) but I simply can’t endure the eye-searing pain of the internet without Dark Reader.
The browsers have their own dark mode, in chrome://flags or edge://flags, but in my experience they don’t work as consistently, overall.
Yeah, you’re right. They try but it’s not the same.
Before Dark Reader I used to make custom dark theme CSS for all the sites that I frequented heavily and spent so much time tweaking things so it came out “mostly right”.
Dark Reader isn’t perfect all the time but the peace of mind it grants me is immeasurable:)
Wait, what? You can force any website to comply with your own CSS? How (apart from manual Inspector edits every time)?
Yeah, there are extensions that enable injecting custom CSS. I’m using Stylus in Chrome (switched to that from Stylish about two years ago) and essentially you need to override the native CSS with lots of !important style declarations. Basically like Inspect Element but will load every time once the relevant website(s) is done loading.
If the HTML classes and ids are straightforwards that’s fairly easy, like old.reddit for instance. But every time they change the classes you need to go in a manually tweak it. And once a site starts obfuscating their code it’s not worth the effort anymore.
But it’s possible and for a while I honed my meager CSS skills by doing my own bespoke stylesheets. :)You can use dark reader and stylus (firefox extensions).
I use stylus to ‘correct dark reader’ or if i want write own style, or to change few elements on website.
I don’t remember how, but in dark reader in settings you can define your colors (background etc.), you can even set font! I use for example nerd font “CodeNewRoman NF” it works.
Definetely libredirect. It redirects YouTube, Twitter, TikTok… requests to privacy friendly frontends.
I would like to add Indiewikibuddy. It’s basically a more fully featured version of the FandomDotCom features of Libredirect.
For example, you can set it to redirect from the Skyrim Fandom.com to the UESP.
I shared one on reddit that replaces pictures of spiders with kittens and it was met with a pretty shocking amount of hatred and vitriol brought my way, so nervous to share it here. But still I thought it was nice.
I had a similar one but for the former president. I still have it installed and it always confuses me for a second until I remember it.
Yo could share a link that. I’d love to see it in action when a prowl the cesspool that is r/politics on Reddit. XD.
That’s the one. May your day be brighter with more kittens while doomscrolling the news.
Wait. No, share it. Please! 🥺
here it is for firefox. I think there’s one for chrome and for edge too
Thanks for sharing. Just added it! lol
Guys. It even works for Spider-Man.
I really appreciate you!
I almost destroyed a phone once when I scrolled down to an unexpected spider image, my fight or flight response kicked in, and I threw the phone across the room. So this sounds amazing!!
If only mobile Firefox had even a little bit of extension support.
Man, fuck the haters. This sounds amazing and I’m seriously considering using it lol
Automatic handling of GDPR consent formsDuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials
I mostly use this for the email protection (highly recommended!)ScrollAnywhere
Drag scrollbar with middlemouse button anywhere on the page.ScrollAnywhere is amazing. I’ve used BetterMouse on Mac for several months now and have grown accustomed to scrolling by click-dragging. Really wish there was some sort of similar app for Windows and Linux, but unfortunately I’ve spent hours searching and haven’t found anything.
Consent-O-Matic is amazing, highly recommended.
Thanks, trying Consent-O-Matic now!
uBlock Origin
Return YouTube Dislike
Translate (Firefox doesnt have website translation as a native feature)I use Decentraleyes and Privacy Badger on top of uBlock
I also use CanvasBlocker alongside these.
I run Firefox
- AdNauseam (One step further than uBlock Origin, it actively clicks everything that missed my DNS blocks)
- Bitwarden
- Decentraleyes
- Enhance-O-Tron for Plex (For some reason some videos in my library have black bars hard coded into them. I could probably re-encode them to get rid of the bars, but this add-on just hides the bars at a button click. It’s only a problem for monitors wider than 16:9)
- Enhancer for Youtube ™ (Automatically expand the canvas out to the full screen and a bunch of other stuff.)
- Facebook Container (I don’t use facebook, but the containers are nice to keep shit separated)
- Keepa - Amazon Price Tracker
- NoScript
- Redirect AMP to HTML
- ShareX ( I have workflows that automatically store stuff into my nextcloud and setup share links)
- SponsorBlock for Youtube - Skip Sponsorships
- Stylus
I had stuff for Reddit… but since I’ve moved off the platform, that’s been nixed. And for those of you using the cookie accepting apps… Why not just block the element with uBlock?
- uBlock Origin
- Dark Reader
- Bypass Paywalls
- Decentraleyes
- Enhancer for YouTube
- Return YouTube Dislike
ublock origin and firefox enhanced tracking protection already does what Decentraleyes is supposed to do, so its not needed if you already use firefox and ublock origins.
also, try out following extwnsions too:
- firefox multi account containers
- sponsorblock for youtube
- localcdn
Other than Ublock Origin and Bitwarden, these are some of my favourites :
Temporary Containers is a new favourite of mine. It works just like container tabs, but the difference is that it deletes the history of that tab once it’s closed, similar to Incognito/Private instance.
Reddit Comments for Youtube - If a youtube video has been linked to reddit, then it basically gives a small box which lists all the subs the video has been linked to and shows you the comments. If you’re logged into reddit, then it will allow you to comment as well.
Keepa for Amazon. Let’s you track price history for any product, so you can see if a sale is actually a real sale or not.
Tab Session Manager - Basically lets you save tab sessions.
Enhancer for Youtube and Pockettube Subscription Manager - Gives various youtube enhancements.
Stylus - To style websites. I mainly use it to fix the youtube thumbnail and font size.
I use CamelCamelCamel for Amazon. Besides price history it allows notifications on sales or price drops.
Lmao that’s my only use for stylus too. And like 5 years ago I changed the roblox logo to a cheez-it with stylus. I need to find more websites to use with it but last I checked the website to get themes was terribly slow. It’s been a fat minute though.
Other than the good ole ad blocker, sponsorblock is a godsend
My half-serious, half-assed alternative to SB: https://butter.sonnet.io
This is awesome
So, let’s try to compile a list.
- “uBlock” does not need any kind of introduction. Most of the people who answered the thread use it anyway. But it is my favourite!
- “Language tool” to help me spell things properly, lol
- “I don’t care about cookies” to get rid of annoying GDPR-compliance banners
- “FoxyProxy” to easily switch between proxies
- “Vimium C” to navigate the web using vi-like shortcuts
- “SponsorBlock”. I don’t use YouTube as much nowadays but when I do, this add-on helps me skip in-video advertisements and irrelevant moments
- “Search by image”
- “Rikaichamp” is a great add-on for anyone who often needs to look up Japanese words
- “Runet Censorship Bypass” because censorship circumvention is not a crime in my country. Yet.
Honestly, I thought it will be shorter. It makes me appreciate the authors of all these add-ons even more. If it weren’t for their efforts, web browsing would be a much less enjoyable experience.
In case you didn’t know, the “I don’t care about cookies” extension was recently sold to Avast. I don’t know if anyone has seen them make any sketchy changes yet, but personally I didn’t want to trust them and uninstalled it
Oh, well, that’s too bad. Thank you for pointing this out!
Apparently, there is now a debloated fork “I still don’t care about cookies”
Why fork?
This extension has been acquired by Avast and I simply don’t trust Avast with my data. Additionally, having it on Github allows us to improve the code and add support for websites faster.
So what would you recommend to replace it?
You could try Consent-O-Matic. That’s what I use. It also doesn’t simply agree to everything like the other one but chooses the most privacy-friendly option instead.
Currently I just deal with the banners (as annoying as they are) and shed a tear at the state of the modern internet.
Ublock Origin has annoyance filters that you can enable.
Does this work for you? I have that filter enabled but it doesn’t really catch everything.
I don’t know what filters you have specifically enabled, but I have all EasyList Annoyances and uBlock Annoyance lists enabled and they work fine. There may sometimes be something that these don’t get, but that happens quite rarely.
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Oh man, I had totally forgotten about downtheall! Gotta make sure to add that one back. I used to use that ALL the time for file archiving.
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Yeah, when Mozilla killed XUL extensions, he didn’t think there was any way to make it work in WebExtensions. I thought he had quit! I remember having to spend a couple days figuring out how to use Jdownloader for the same tasks. I’m glad he got back on the horse
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Dark Reader is amazing. Not just a great idea, but incredible execution.
It occasionally renders incorrectly, but yeah, I haven’t been able to find a dark-mode extension better than this!
I just assumed it would be terrible because it’s a hard problem to solve generally, but like 98% of the time I don’t even realize it’s on (and it’s really easy to turn off). It’s seriously incredible.
- JShelter actively fights fingerprinting.
- NoScript blocks by domain by default.
- uBlock Origin with cookie list to block ads, trackers, and hide cookie banners.
- DarkReader to help the eyes.
- Stylus to fix any CSS not fixed by the rest.