Who would run the US empire until the new President is elected and sworn in?
Short answer, Kamala Harris. Long answer, United States presidential line of succession.
“Leader of thu free wuuuurld” is insulting as fuck to the actually free countries.
Assuming the American president rules thu wuuuurld is insulting as fuck. You mean that piss-reeking cunt Trump actually thought he ruled the world without being able to string two sentences together
😂 Fuck me
Note I would never call it “the free world”. That is a cold-war era propaganda term.
So is “third world” but that’s what we call the US now lol
Trump’s not the only one. Biden also thinks he rules the world. He said so unironically in that recent interview he did…
The American president does rule the world.
As a wicked despot.
Used to be, not anymore.
Kamala by nature of being the Vice President.
Whoever runs the US Empire today, they would just switch their puppet from Biden to Harris. Just kidding. Sorta.
Cynical take, but not without an element of truth.
Accurate. Shadow governments aside, everyone has to buy the keys to power and be in debt to some group of people. Nobody rules alone.
In case you have any other questions.
And if VPOTUS is unable, then the US will follow the Presidential Succession Act of 1947
Same people who are ruling it now.
Who that?
The same team that run it now.
The same people who ruled it today, the immensely wealthy.
Same person who does today. James Pinstrade of 21 Old Brumby Street Scunthrope UK
I’m hoping for Weird AL.