Factory reset instructions: press for 10 seconds, then you’ll hear a beep and your unit will be brought back to factory settings
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Things got a bit weird before the invention of the pencil sharpener
how to get revenge on the snail that lives inside your ear
When I threatened to give you a lead implant just behind the ear, this isn’t exactly what I had in mind.
Big sharpener doesn’t want you to know this one simple trick!
Use a pencil to help with short term memory loss
Did the ringing finally stop?
mfw when i’m the first to fall asleep in a sleepover
There is no better Joke then the classic puncture the homies ear drum with a pencil
Pt presented w/ foreign body (№2 pencil, possibly Ticonderoga) in ear canal after (successful) unorthodox procedure to treat tinitus.
Butthole Surfers announce deluxe 30th anniversary Electriclarryland reissue, remixed in 5.1 and featuring more than 3 hours of demos, outtakes, and remixes.
Ilustration N1: Natural birth of a N°2 Pencil
Don’t wiggle.
Its just like the first day of school all over again!
oh gosh they are doing lobotomy again