This is a partial answer, with possibly some misinformation. Should I just shut my mouth and hope that someone who actually knows what’s happening will answer you? Yes. Yes I should. But I’m a bit drunk, so you’re just going to have to read my incomplete (and possibly wrong) explanation.
Brianna Wu got famous from gamergate. She got harassed by gamers. I don’t remember what for, possibly they thought she slept with someone for good reviews on a game? That or she criticized a game that maybe an ex had worked on. Shit, I dunno, I’m actually absolutely making stuff up. Well, I’ve come this far, let’s keep going! TERFs are certain she’s trans, I’m not certain she’s trans, but maybe she is? I’m unsure. Not that it matters, she was a woman that gamergate targeted, of that I am certain. She’s now just the most annoying lib of all time, but keeps trying to draw on progressive cred from being harassed by gamers during the gamergate era. I suspect she’s going to do a “why I left the left” situation, but maybe you don’t even have to do that to be a grifter these days.
Long story short, she was harassed during gamergate, she’s extremely, unfortunately lib, and it’s better if you pay no attention to her twitter takes.
I don’t remember what for, possibly they thought she slept with someone for good reviews on a game?
That was Zoe Quinn, who was the #1 target for G*merGate harassment. Wu also got harassed, which makes it hilarious to me if she’s now trying to garner favor from fascists, to them she’ll always be an SJW who tried to f*ck with g*mers.
Yeah, it was all bs. Her creepy asshole ex put out an honest to go multi-page manifesto about how she was a (collection of misogynist slurs) mostly centering on how she had sex during a period when they were not together, but really just an absolute tirade of jilted dangerous ex boyfriend shit. That got picked up by the protofash and become “the lore”
This is news to me. The only sources I can find are LLM clickbait sites that misinterpreted her talking about intersectionality as being transgender herself.
(To be clear, I’m not being a debatelord or doubting you. I want to learn.)
Can you link a source? I can’t find one. Which I’m going to blame on search engines going through their death rattles as the LLM’s slowly kill all remaining organic results.
This is a partial answer, with possibly some misinformation. Should I just shut my mouth and hope that someone who actually knows what’s happening will answer you? Yes. Yes I should. But I’m a bit drunk, so you’re just going to have to read my incomplete (and possibly wrong) explanation.
Brianna Wu got famous from gamergate. She got harassed by gamers. I don’t remember what for, possibly they thought she slept with someone for good reviews on a game? That or she criticized a game that maybe an ex had worked on. Shit, I dunno, I’m actually absolutely making stuff up. Well, I’ve come this far, let’s keep going! TERFs are certain she’s trans, I’m not certain she’s trans, but maybe she is? I’m unsure. Not that it matters, she was a woman that gamergate targeted, of that I am certain. She’s now just the most annoying lib of all time, but keeps trying to draw on progressive cred from being harassed by gamers during the gamergate era. I suspect she’s going to do a “why I left the left” situation, but maybe you don’t even have to do that to be a grifter these days.
Long story short, she was harassed during gamergate, she’s extremely, unfortunately lib, and it’s better if you pay no attention to her twitter takes.
That was Zoe Quinn, who was the #1 target for G*merGate harassment. Wu also got harassed, which makes it hilarious to me if she’s now trying to garner favor from fascists, to them she’ll always be an SJW who tried to f*ck with g*mers.
you can avoid your asterisks turning into long stretches of italics by escaping them like this with a backslash: \*example\*
Thanks, I was trying to figure out if there was a way to do that.
i remember deep diving into the “Zoe Quinn lore” and coming out thinking they were a bad person back in '16. i’m assuming much was bullshit
Yeah, it was all bs. Her creepy asshole ex put out an honest to go multi-page manifesto about how she was a (collection of misogynist slurs) mostly centering on how she had sex during a period when they were not together, but really just an absolute tirade of jilted dangerous ex boyfriend shit. That got picked up by the protofash and become “the lore”
she is trans, she’s been doing the whole “i’m the reasonable trans person and i hate most trans people too” thing
This is news to me. The only sources I can find are LLM clickbait sites that misinterpreted her talking about intersectionality as being transgender herself.
She is trans and she did actually work for Trent Lott before transition
(To be clear, I’m not being a debatelord or doubting you. I want to learn.)
Can you link a source? I can’t find one. Which I’m going to blame on search engines going through their death rattles as the LLM’s slowly kill all remaining organic results.
deleted by creator
I’m reluctant to link directly as it’s just full of deadnaming, there was an archived PDF of her pre transition resume on lolcow wiki
Well ain’t that some shit. I was super wrong. Thank you!
Haha, perfect explanation, thanks!