Tell your guitar, style of play, and settings for your amp. Mention a pedal too.

  • Baron Von
    2 years ago

    … I have 18? My wife might be right. 😂 In my defense, I’ve had the Vox Wah since high school ('93 ish) and the three Danelectros since mid-college (like '98 or '99). The Pitch Fork, Soul Food, RC-5, Tremolo, Micro Flanger, Phase 95, Carcosa, and most of the cost of the El Capistan were all gifts for birthday, father’s day, and christmas over the last 2-3 years. Playing Rocksmith through my rig has been motivational to get the variety of pedals to try and get comparable tones. I suppose getting a DI and Amplitube or a DAW would have been another route, but I like being able to just reach out and tweak the knobs.

    I would sign up for lessons but we’re putting our son in School of Rock (drums) so it’s Professor YouTube for me.