With trump being guaranteed to win the 2024 election and it also being likely that the state will be much more violent, what do you think is going to happen in the US over the next few years?

  • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]@hexbear.net
    8 months ago

    Controversial take: I don’t think this changed much. Trump was probably gonna win anyway, I actually don’t think this improves his chances that much. Most CHUDs are lazy and easily distracted, they’ll forget about this in a week, they’re already winning why risk their hides going out into the streets to smash shit up. If Trump wins things will get worse but probably in a much slower, less dramatic way than most imagine.

    Also I gotta say, before this everyone here was talking about how the threat of Project 2025 was overblown, how things will be almost/just as bad under Biden. Now Trump survives an incompetent assassination attempt and everyone is suddenly with the Libs about Trump being Hitler 2.0? Idk guys sounds like some of y’all are getting cold feet on anti-electoralism and are now contemplating voting for genocide Joe to keep Trump out. Which hey, if you’re genuinely scared, by all means vote, just be honest about changing your tune here.

    • Yeah, the instant panic from all corners is pretty wild to see. It makes Trump more likely to win, his potential presidency was already going to be bad and it still will be. Not sure why people are saying that this is the thing that will usher in fascism. The fascism is already here and you’re already living under it. If you’re waiting for some big break or warning sign there won’t be one because it’s already here. Not saying you can’t worry about the bad shit that is going to happen under Trump, but people saying that this is the Reichstag Fire need to get a grip

      • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]@hexbear.net
        8 months ago

        To add to this, the reason American fascism doesn’t seem quite as dramatically and aggressively oppressive domestically is because it doesn’t really have any meaningful domestic opposition. There is no radical left, not a well organized one anyway. There no real material need to have Browncoats and Gestapo driving around in black vans right.

        The right is hopped up on culture war shit, because that’s all they got. Not saying that can’t result in actual repression against LGBTQ, but I doubt it’s going to be as dramatic and sudden as a Night or Broken Glass situation, more just a slow roll back of rights. Trump will likely just be a slightly worse than usual republicans president. Which is still bad, and if you want to vote to keep that out of office go right ahead. But let’s be honest about the reality on the ground here.

    • Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida [he/him]@hexbear.net
      8 months ago

      I live in Florida. My vote doesn’t matter here anyways, so I’m just going to cast a protest vote for whatever leftish third party there is to get the catharsis of flipping off the Democrats, though they’re still largely unaffected and will keep failing upward.

      Still, at the same time, I guess my knowledge of this country’s history makes me scared of reactionary mob violence during periods of instability. I mean, I do live in a part of the country where that was more common place a century ago. And also, as unlikely as it is, this state also has a record of active discrimination against queer people in public employment. I guess when I gaze at the past for examples, I find some scenarios that are less likely given present differing conditions.

      • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]@hexbear.net
        8 months ago

        I hear you but, two things, one I think any instability that’s coming is coming regardless of the fact someone took a pot shit at Trump. Even if he looses there’s probably bad stuff on the horizon.

        Two, I do stand by my point I don’t think the right has many great targets for their mob violence right now. There are no socialist clubs, union halls or civil rights churches to burn. There’s not left to threaten them. The right has anti-queer rhetoric but most queer gathering places are in liberal enclaves where the right has little on the ground power. Hence why I think most of the rights anti-queer stuff is going to be boring legal crap, still awful but not as dramatic a Night of Broken Glass situation. There’ll be isolated lone wolf acts but I doubt they’ll be a major purge.

        • Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida [he/him]@hexbear.net
          8 months ago

          one I think any instability that’s coming is coming regardless of the fact someone took a pot shit at Trump. Even if he looses there’s probably bad stuff on the horizon.

          I don’t disagree with you there. The effects of climate change and the politics they produce happens no matter who’s in charge at this point. So much suffering could have been avoided if years ago people had calmly sat down, planned a green transition, and made provisions for any instability that would affect vulnerable populations at the equator during the short term. But of course, planning anything is evil 1984 communism to these people.

          The right has anti-queer rhetoric but most queer gathering places are in liberal enclaves where the right has little on the ground power.

          I find this a compelling argument against any dramatic displays of non state violence by the far right in the near term future.

          Hence why I think most of the rights anti-queer stuff is going to be boring legal crap

          Which is where I get worried about Russian gay laws coming to Florida. I had wanted to pursue a career in public education years earlier and the state of Florida had a history of publicly persecuting queer teachers. Idk, I’m pretty straight-passing but, maybe some day the state will spend resources to comb through social media and find a bi flag post I liked or something. Maybe I should leave this state for some more accepting place in the medium term.