I can listen to Ben Bohmer - Moments on repeat for days it seems. My fix song does change and has repeated before.
What song just vibes with you currently?
because of too many meme videos 😩
If you think THAT’S funny, you have to listen to The Hardest Ever
Absolute banger.
Oldie but goodie!
It’s a monster of a track.
I’m on a massive King Gizzard kick right now, with Polygondwanaland in particular dominating my listening time. Murder of the Universe and Nonagon Infinity are getting some heavy replay time as well, but holy shit is Polygondwanaland a great album.
That’s the shit I like to see. If you like The River, check out their performance of it from Red Rocks '22 if you haven’t yet. I was at that show and it might be my favorite 20 minutes I’ve lived through
The River got me into KGATLW. I’ll check that out.
Polygodwanaland is probably their best album. Super stoked for tomorrow’s release. Which might be out now since it’s tomorrow k Australia
but holy shit is Polygondwanaland a great album
Truly one of the best. As much as I like King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard, nothing even comes close to that album.
I’m a huge pop-punk addict, but lately I’ve been listening to Rolling Along by The Longest Johns on repeat. I don’t know why but it makes me so happy, puts a stupid smile on my face.
Edit: I just watched the music video for the first time. Let’s just say, it’s better to play it in the background lol.
Currently Krabat from ASP
Cringe by Matt Maeson has been up there for me! I love it when I find a new song I have to binge listen to.
Everytime it comes on I listen to it at least 2-3 times
Fallen Angel by King Crimson. I’ve been getting into prog rock recently. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijhQTqymNMk
Paper plane by Clem beats Paper Plane https://g.co/kgs/GCxkiH
My first time hearing them and I’m loving it.
The Poke Rap. My girlfriend and I have started watching Pokemon from the beginning and I can’t stop singing the ending theme.
Also I’m actually checking out every song linked here. You never know what new band I might like.
🎵There’s one-hundred and fifty or more to see~
How naive we were back then…
- Grandson - Half My Heart
- The 1975 - Caroline
- Axel Flovent - Slow and Steady
Miss Alissa by Eagles of death metal is so catchy. https://youtu.be/6uT0nxumxMM
That’s been one of my favorite songs for years. Speaking in tongues is great too!
It’s always you - Chet Baker
Hotel by Twikipedia ft. Sebii
The whole album, But Here We Are by Foo Fighters
It’s so good, but damn it’s a gut-punch
Rest gets me every time