In an interview Sony gave to AV Watch recently, the company admitted it's going to "gradually end development and production" of recordable Blu-rays and other optical disc...
I sort of understand still selling CF cards. They were used in high end photo and video equipment until not too long ago, and they have storage space comparable with smaller SD cards and USB drives. Plenty of equipment using CF is still perfectly good and still worth using.
I’ve never heard of a zip card. If you mean the old zip disks (I think the largest was 250MB or so), I can’t imagine any reason someone would ever use one of these. Even new, zip drives were notoriously unreliable and not all that widespread. I had one, and I rarely used it in favor of CD-R or RW.
It’s okay, in 75 years Japan’s government will still be keeping them alive. That’s why you can still buy floppy discs on Amazon.
Shits crazy I can still buy compact flash cards, and zip cards
I sort of understand still selling CF cards. They were used in high end photo and video equipment until not too long ago, and they have storage space comparable with smaller SD cards and USB drives. Plenty of equipment using CF is still perfectly good and still worth using.
I’ve never heard of a zip card. If you mean the old zip disks (I think the largest was 250MB or so), I can’t imagine any reason someone would ever use one of these. Even new, zip drives were notoriously unreliable and not all that widespread. I had one, and I rarely used it in favor of CD-R or RW.
CF is still used in high-end DSLRs. Like, it’s still the “premium” storage option.
CD burning is still kinda useful for hifi. I wouldn’t use it for data these days.
Iomega ZIP disks. Those things just clicked all day.