Jesus, that is a gross way to inject advertising into turn-by-turn navigation.
Edit/update from 9to5google so this post does not spread what is apparently inaccurate information:
Apple Maps sure had a rough start back in the day, but I will always use that over Google/Waze. It’s just so much better now and no worries about this type of junk.
How long before they weight routes based on the billboard ads you’ll see along the way.
Man. I almost downvoted you purely outta anger for that idea lmao. Fucking hell.
Google execs already thinking “shit, buy some electronic billboards and show relevant ads as each phone goes past”.
Sad that will be the only part of Blade Runner we get. Where’s the flying cars, dammit!
The moment this starts happening to me, I’m going to start giving every single sponsored stop I see a 1 star review.
Tbh that kind of behavior will almost certainly be stopped automatically
It’ll be fun while it lasts.
I get the feeling, but if the business has no say in getting recommended, aren’t you just punishing businesses that may not even know this program exists? That would suck for very small businesses.
Edit: my brain was thinking recommendations not paid ads so please disregard.
Google isn’t going to promote small businesses that have no say. Google isn’t putting these ads up for fun. They do it because businesses pay them to.
When I ask to navigate home, it tries sending me to Home Depot.
Welp time to stop using google maps I guess
Id recommend osmand over organic maps
Osmand would be the best one if it wasn’t so slow. Compared to organic maps the rendering lag is not only noticeable but very annoying
Personally I been using organic maps because Osmand isn’t giving me better directions and it needs more permissions and it doesn’t have working voice directions
I smell reVanced Gmaps coming soon…
Waze works well also.
Also owned by Google, so this change might make it over
The article mentioned this ad format showed up in Waze first.
Is it too much to ask for an app that just does one single thing. Everything doesn’t need to be an advertising platform.
Is it too much to ask
Are you willing to deliver them consequences if they don’t do it the way you want?
I stopped using Google maps so I guess so
What do you use?
Apple Maps. It sucks lol
Looked pretty good the last couple of times I looked at it. What sucks about it?
I have an iPhone and while I don’t like Apple Maps, I will absolutely switch to it in a heartbeat if this is added.
It’s gotten so much better. Once they brought offline maps I made the full switch.
I’ve preferred Apple Maps for a few years now, Googles used to be top of the game but it’s fallen off while Apple’s have IME improved
Same here. I have been happy with Apple Maps.
I was an early adopter for Waze and helped them build and fix their maps. I loved Waze. Several months after Google bought Waze, I repeatedly noticed battery draining faster and location was more frequently being used by Waze. I wrote to them about it. After some time passed and no response or change, I ditched them.
Gmaps has been actual hot trash for way the hell too long now.
GraphHopper, OSRM, and Valhalla all blow Google’s shitty routing algorithm out of the water.
OSMAnd really the only mobile app competitor worthy of putting gmaps out of its misery. The only problem is it still uses a renderer from the stone age and has lackluster address data despite the fact that said data is available for free online from several open source mapping projects (there’s some nice github scripts that can import ir for you).
Garmin forgot to invest in mobile technology. Sygic went to crap. Waze is just Gmaps+. died even harder than Sygic.
It’s 2024 and yet some of the best navigation tech I’ve seen is from 15+ year old devices.
Edit: Also Android Auto can go to hell.
The old is reborn and active as Organic Maps now.
Is there an alternative to android auto?
I’ve been getting a lot of ‘suggested’ locations and sponsored pop ups in Google Maps the few weeks. I get that it’s a ‘free’ product, but ugh. My GPS while I’m driving down the highway is one of those things that really, really needs to be clutter-free.
It’s not a free product, your data is being sold.
I know. I’d assume everyone on Lemmy knows. That’s why I said ‘free’ in scare quotes and not free.
Oh I didn’t notice the quotes lol that’s what I get for being tired on a Monday ☠️
I’m willing to pay for an ad-free version. Google maps are very useful. I don’t need it to be free. But ads are poison.
Interesting, you don’t think they make enough off your data already? I’m sure I’m not alone in saying I will never pay google a single cent for anything they have to offer, ever.
I’d much rather pay with money than data.
You’ll pay with money and they’ll still harvest your data.