It’s crazy how like delusioned people are
Like punk is all about punching Nazis and Star wars has always been political
The empire is basically a Nazi analog
Don’t know about the Nazi analogy, but in the original Book (The adventures of Luke Skywalker) on which the original movies are based, the emperor is literally described as being Nixon.
Basically what happened is some people started to pretend good art has absolutely no politics in it, except they decided what constitutes as politics, usually giving free pass to the “offensive humor” types like South Park and iDubbz.
The appeal of iDubbz back in the content cop days was that it was unfiltered and gritty. I never much cared for the jackass style shock factor things he did together with filthy Frank but he was the king of burning down vapid youtube one-day-wonders like ricegum.
It has a huge “you had to be there” factor nowadays though in my opinion. I have never felt compelled to go back and rewatch anything because it just doesn’t seem to fit into this era of the internet.
Star Trek has gone woke is the one that gets me. Let That Be Your Last Battlefield was not subtle and by the time of Far Beyond the Stars they weren’t bothering with analogs.
TBF, Avery Brooks fought like hell to get Far Beyond The Stars as uncomfortable as it was. Berman and the network wanted it to be a trite little story about a sci-fi writer; almost all the racism, discrimination, etc was Brooks pushing back on them.
The Empire is America, the rebels were the Vietcong. Lucas has said this specifically in multiple interviews. The Nazis helped with the uniforms, but The Empire is directly based on Wilsonian Doctrine.
It’s crazy how like delusioned people are Like punk is all about punching Nazis and Star wars has always been political The empire is basically a Nazi analog
Like come on man
Don’t know about the Nazi analogy, but in the original Book (The adventures of Luke Skywalker) on which the original movies are based, the emperor is literally described as being Nixon.
Now strike me down in your hate and anger. Aroooo!
You’re kidding, right? They’re literally called stormtroopers
It’s like Lucas was accusing America of doing things Nazis would do! But that’s unpossible!
The book is a novelization of the screenplay for the first film.
Basically what happened is some people started to pretend good art has absolutely no politics in it, except they decided what constitutes as politics, usually giving free pass to the “offensive humor” types like South Park and iDubbz.
damn I had to look up what idubbz is and it just… seems so unappealing
why are all these YouTube “celebrities” so lame is it really just cause they happened to be appealing to tweens when cell phones were invented
The appeal of iDubbz back in the content cop days was that it was unfiltered and gritty. I never much cared for the jackass style shock factor things he did together with filthy Frank but he was the king of burning down vapid youtube one-day-wonders like ricegum.
It has a huge “you had to be there” factor nowadays though in my opinion. I have never felt compelled to go back and rewatch anything because it just doesn’t seem to fit into this era of the internet.
Star Trek has gone woke is the one that gets me. Let That Be Your Last Battlefield was not subtle and by the time of Far Beyond the Stars they weren’t bothering with analogs.
TNG had an episode centered on discrimination of non-typical gender identity and conversion therapy over 30 years ago.
Far Beyond the Stars is my absolute favorite, It’s Only a Paper Moon is a close second. DS9 is top tier sci-fi in my book.
TBF, Avery Brooks fought like hell to get Far Beyond The Stars as uncomfortable as it was. Berman and the network wanted it to be a trite little story about a sci-fi writer; almost all the racism, discrimination, etc was Brooks pushing back on them.
The Empire is America, the rebels were the Vietcong. Lucas has said this specifically in multiple interviews. The Nazis helped with the uniforms, but The Empire is directly based on Wilsonian Doctrine.
Here, you seem to be running low: . . . .
Don’t forget Star Trek.