I mean just look at all the scandals Biden is embroiled in, all the indictments of people in his administration. When you find them, let me know.
I mean there is the one involving corruption with his son.
The son who is not part of his father’s administration? Not every president leans heavily into nepotism, you know.
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I’m not advocating its true, I don’t know if it is or not. I am presenting the argument that some Republicans make.
They didn’t ask for arguments, they asked for examples of indictments. Why are you presenting, as an answer to that question, examples that you’re ignorant about?
Indictments of people in the administration.
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It is difficult, and yet hundreds of Trump administration officials have been indicted for their obvious crimes.
Look, I’m a progressive, so I don’t like Biden very much. I am not surprised that someone found drugs in the West Wing, either. I would bet if you turned out the pockets in the capitol building, you’d get enough coke to kill an elephant. Politicians and political activists are competitive, unscrupulous people, and I don’t condone cocaine abuse. But on the scale of accused crimes, somebody doing drugs in the bathroom pales in comparison to any of the scandalous crimes Trump officials have been convicted of.
perhaps the secret service should wipe their phones so we never find out what happened.
They said scandals.
They said scandals AND indictments. Republican nonsense is neither.
I interpreted the and in a different way than you.
“Both sides!” amirite?
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Is he his son?
The argument is that he used his influence to help his son’s business deals
and yet crickets about jared who actually did get help on his business deals while actually in the white house. im still wondering why he was bailed out of that building he was underwater with. or why he got billions from the saudis after leaving the white house while still having access to trumps cache of classified information.
Fair questions, Trump’s family was always way too involved in the administration. Not very meritocratic
Oh no!
Yeah, the regular old mathematics and/or English rules apply here. The two minuses cancel out. These are just Trumpers.
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So, to avoid “Us vs Them thinking”, one should probably not say they’re trying to destroy their opposition, yes?
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What character issues does Biden have??
The ones they made up.
Did he wear a Tan suit?
I’m Anti-Anti- that headline
I’m anti-anti-anti…fa
Wait, counts with fingers no, yeah, I think that’s correct
im anti infinity plus one trump. Infinitiy is an even number yeah?
i guess thats why theyre both facing equal numbers of federal, state, and civil cases against them
Hope they insisted on payment in something other than rubles.
But what do the Anti-Anti-Anti-Anti-Anti Trump supporters think?
Yes, stupid people sure are stupid.