Ive been using the simple launcher for the most part but i am interested in what else is out their.
I’ve switched from Nova Launcher (after their aquisition) to lawnchair launcher and it’s been a good replacement for me. Similar feature set and I’m not really missing much, so I’m fine with the slow development.
Did nova become worse somehow after the acquisition? I’ve been using nova for many years and I haven’t noticed any negative changes. Is it just an ideological thing?
It’s just an ideological thing or out of fear what the future brings. The new owner is a data mining company, so I was expecting updates with ads or tracking any day. Glad to hear it hasn’t happened though!
Well idk if they snuck that in when I wasn’t paying attention, but even if they did it hasn’t made anything noticeably slower or lower quality
I switched to Olauncher (F-Droid) half a year ago. It’s a minimalistic clutter and distraction free launcher that feels like finally getting the control back over your smartphone usage.
NeoLauncher. It’s similar to Lawnchair or the Pixel launcher and contains a lot of customizations (plus it’s free and open-source). Been running it for around 6 months with no issues whatsoever.
Shade Launcher. It’s a bare bones Open Source launcher, while having a traditional look.
I am currently using Kvaesitso
Quite active development, but without a classic home screen
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I use Launcher, which is as minimal as its name.
No widgets. No icons. The screen is just the current time. You swipe or tap to get an app drawer, or launch an app or shortcut. Very customizable. Very minimal.