Your car keys have better range if you press them to your head, since your skull will act as an antenna. It sounds like some made up pseudoscience that would never work in practice or have a negligible effect, but it actually works.
On one side you have people that think 5g causes cancer. On the other, you have people directly beaming shit into their skulls to open their cars from a couple extra feet away.
To be fair, radio waves have been everywhere for over a hundred years now. Plus, it’s just low-frequency light. It’s no different (probably safer even) than shining a flashlight at your head.
Hold your fob a foot to the side of your head. Back away until it stops working. Take 2 more steps back to be sure. Then put the fob to your forehead. It’ll work again.
Next time you’re in a parking lot, try to click your fob from a distance where it doesn’t work. Then hold it to your chin or skull and click it. It almost doubles the range.
It’s true, but not because your skull acts like an antenna. It’s because the signal is being reflected by the skull. You can actually just try it out, the range of your car keys will extend when you hold them to your chin.
I doubt enough signal reflect of off your very radio wave observing skull to make much of a difference at all, it’s most likely a placebo effect and the real reason it extends the range is because you are holding the key fob higher, so it has a better LOS with less obstructions, and it has a better chance to bounce waves off of the very reflective concrete on the ground up to the sensor of your car.
Organic materials are absolute crap at reflecting wireless signals, they are much better at absorbing and scattering them.
Alright well unfortunately I can’t really test it because the key fob for my car is hit or miss even when I’m right next to it.
I would love if someone can post some evidence, literally any evidence I will watch and take in. I have a scientific mindset, no problem being proven wrong, I’m very much open to new information but I need to see some evidence.
Your car keys have better range if you press them to your head, since your skull will act as an antenna. It sounds like some made up pseudoscience that would never work in practice or have a negligible effect, but it actually works.
It works best if you hold the fob under your chin and open your mouth in the direction you’re aiming!
I swear these comments look more and more like a ploy to make me look stupid in public
For maximum effectiveness, open your mouth and make a “BONG” noise. It’s literally the same technology as a radar detector.
Also works better if you spread your arms and hold the fob with your chin
Closing your eyes and assuming an earth bending position like Toph helps too. Bonus points if you make your feet stomp the ground.
And then point your left leg towards the sky for extra spread
The best id the look on people’s faces when it works.
On one side you have people that think 5g causes cancer. On the other, you have people directly beaming shit into their skulls to open their cars from a couple extra feet away.
To be fair, radio waves have been everywhere for over a hundred years now. Plus, it’s just low-frequency light. It’s no different (probably safer even) than shining a flashlight at your head.
Supposing we could somehow bring the light into the body?! Or maybe we could inject them with disinfectant! We better look into that.
i dont believe it causes cancer necessarily, but i think 5g is worrying for the sake of big increase in location tracking precision
That is a very valid concern, to be honest.
The tinfoil hat you’re wearing amplifies the signal!
Your skull is a parabolic reflector
I’ve read two takes on this before:
The cavity of your head helps project the signal to your car
The water molecules in your head amplify the radio waves to reach your car
I can’t imagine how water could amplify a signal. If anything, it’s the reflector like shape of your skull.
The way I do it is holding the bottom of the key under the soft part of the lower jaw while holding the mouth open as a resonance chamber.
I’ve read two takes on this before:
The cavity of your head helps project the signal to your car
The water molecules in your head amplify the radio waves to reach your car
Alright, I came across some researchers who were keen on validating this. It appears quite credible. You can view the results of their simulation here: Digital Debunking: Using Your Head to Extend Your Car Remote Range
I use this trick all the time to find my car I’m parking garages.
It does work, and I always feel like a lunatic if I do it.
I would love to see more info on this
The first time I heard about this was in reference to garage door remotes.
If your remote was too far away, you placed the remote under your chin pointing to your skull to amplify the signal using your head.
There is absolutely no way this is true. I need to see some evidence to believe this. (I work as a wireless technician)
I’ve done it. It does work.
Hold your fob a foot to the side of your head. Back away until it stops working. Take 2 more steps back to be sure. Then put the fob to your forehead. It’ll work again.
It definitely works. I do it all the time.
Next time you’re in a parking lot, try to click your fob from a distance where it doesn’t work. Then hold it to your chin or skull and click it. It almost doubles the range.
Alright, I came across some researchers who were keen on validating this. It appears quite credible. You can view the results of their simulation here: Digital Debunking: Using Your Head to Extend Your Car Remote Range
It’s true, but not because your skull acts like an antenna. It’s because the signal is being reflected by the skull. You can actually just try it out, the range of your car keys will extend when you hold them to your chin.
I doubt enough signal reflect of off your very radio wave observing skull to make much of a difference at all, it’s most likely a placebo effect and the real reason it extends the range is because you are holding the key fob higher, so it has a better LOS with less obstructions, and it has a better chance to bounce waves off of the very reflective concrete on the ground up to the sensor of your car.
Organic materials are absolute crap at reflecting wireless signals, they are much better at absorbing and scattering them.
Let us know what you think after you try it!
Science is cool.
Alright well unfortunately I can’t really test it because the key fob for my car is hit or miss even when I’m right next to it.
I would love if someone can post some evidence, literally any evidence I will watch and take in. I have a scientific mindset, no problem being proven wrong, I’m very much open to new information but I need to see some evidence.
I found this small experiment, someone recorded on Physics StackExchange.
I also found this computer modelling, but I’m not familiar with the source (Altair.)
I have no leaning either way, and would welcome more data on the topic.