I like easy games. the more relaxed, the better.
Currently I’m playing Spiderman Remastered and boy, i feel i’m 17 again playing Spiderman 2 on the PS2.
Co-op PVE games are my bread and butter, Warframe or Division 2.
I like games where I can be overpowered. Like Cyberpunk 2077.
And also laid back games like Stardew Valley.
Any interest in Civ? It’s my relaxed game. So easy to pickup and put down (well… After 1 more turn…) and travels well.
I love civ, but I lack the strategic mind to truly enjoy it. Same goes for crusader kings 3, it’s a game I love watching and listening my friends talking about, but it’s nothing I could play comfortably.
I enjoy dwarf fortress, though. Rimworld as well but not as much.
Games like Enter the gungeon, Slay the spire, Space station 13, Dwarf fortress, Deus ex, System shock, Serious sam and Talos principle.
Try Luck be a landlord. We have eerily the same taste in games and Luck be a landlord has been my favorite game of the last few years. There’s a demo if you wanna try before you buy
thanks for the recomendation
I mostly play JRPGs and SRPGs. Preferably more on the linear side as I can only enojoy at most 1-2 open world games a year before they get tedious.
Inbetween those, I occasionally play games from all sorts of genres. Except for FPS and multiplayer stuff.
RTS by far but limited number of games that are actually good
Have you tried beyond All Reason? I just started playing it but having a blast.
Roguelites: FTL, Nova Drift, Risk of Rain 2, Hades, Into the Breach
Twin stick shooters: Nine Parchments, Helldivers, Neon Chrome, Nuklear Throne
Dungeoncrawlers: PoE, Children of Morta
I will play any game with resource gathering and factory management. Factorio of course. Satisfactory, Dyson Sphere Project, Captain of Industry.
Surviving Mars is a good one
Take a gander at Stationeers
Pretty much anything but competitive multiplayer stuff and the majority of rogue-esque titles. Just don’t have the time to dedicate to learning the ins and outs of one specific title.
My favorite genres include:
- Rhythm Games
- Racing
- Platformers
- Metroidvanias
- Visual novels
- Action Adventure
Games where at least a significant portion of it is low-key/relaxing. Thinking Breath of the Wild, Persona 5, Spiritfarer.
Buggy, early access, survival crafting games.
Got some interesting ones to share?
Historically I played a lot of Ark, Conan Exiles, Raft, Stranded Deep, 7 Days to Die, Green Hell, Astroneer, Scrap Mechanic, The Forest, Osiris New Dawn and all the usual suspects.
Recently I have tried a few like Valheim, Vulcanoids, Survive the Night, Sons of the Forest, Deadpoly, No One Survived and Grounded.
Thanks for the list! I’ve played them all except for Vulcsnoids which is on my wish list.
Ive got my eye on Nightingale at the moment. Have you seen any others on the horizon?
I recently backed Solar Punk on Kickstarter which looks like it has potential
Nice. Wishlisted.
I’m also currently pls in Dinkum, which is Australian Animal Crossing! Quite addicting.
Fighting games !
I am really like the process of learning in this genre, as well as the depth of facing another human, getting to know their habits and style of playing. Plus, I love rythm games so learning combos is fun to me.
What’s your main fighting game? Been playing SF6?
Yeah, SF6 is the first of the series I’m really getting into, and it’s been great ! First fighting game that feels like a complete package, great single player, tutorials, fun modes, and really good training and online experience.
Above all I love exploration. I also love racing games and Persona 5 made me fall in love with JRPGs again.
I bought P5R on the Steam Summer sale and I think I just might fall back in love with JRPGs!
I finished it a couple months ago. It was awesome. Enjoy the ride!
I tend to enjoy a variety of games particularly those that respect my time. At the top are character action games like Bayonetta and Nier. Monster Hunter games. Then big relaxing open-world exploratory games like BoTW, TotK, Elden Ring. Immersive RPGs like Cyberpunk and Skyrim. Third person cinematic games like TLoU, or the new GoW. Exceptional indie games like Hades, Terraria, and Roboquest. Then, fighting games like SF6, Third Strike, GG Strive, Killer Instinct or MK9. Cooperative, competitive shooters with my friends like Siege. and then from time to time I f2p on gacha games like Azur Lane and Nikke, but I tend to drop those pretty quick. There was also time in my life where I spent too many hours with friends on GTA Online as well. Sorted most to least in terms of how often I actually play that type of game. However, a little more than half of my free time is usually spent watching other people let’s play games, like right now, I’m writing this and watching Chris Odd play Aliens Dark Descent. 🙂
@Call_Me_Maple @TheVampireSaga big emphasis on “games that respect my time”
Civ IV
I was terrible at Civ in the first iteration. Still terrible at it.
I was terrible when I started on Civ V, so confused and overwhelmed. I was interested though and read a couple recommended settings/actions and things started to come together more. Now I’ve got about 400 hrs in Civ VI
I don’t think I’m great, really. I play on pretty low difficulty and quick speed. Most of the time I rip through a whole game in an hour and a half.
Roguelikes/lites (my latest addiction is Gunfire Reborn)
Survival/crafting games (think Subnautica, Dont Starve)
Soulslikes (I’m a filthy INT main)
Terraria, for some reason can’t shake off the addiction
Puzzle games, occasionally (especially first person puzzles like Portal, Turing Test, Talos Principle)
My guilty pleasure is coming back to Overwatch every once in a while, if only to remind myself why I left the last time
these are great recs, what is INT?
Intelligence stat, it’s used for sorcery in Souls games
Strategy, space sim, driving, open world.