It was a Kingston KVR133X64C3/512 - 512MB DIMM 133Mhz CL3.0 SDRAM
If we had awards I’d give you one /s
Thank you, stranger
You got good memory there.
I woke up one day and suddenly realized I “was” and couldn’t remember anything previous to then.
Maybe like 4 to 6, asked my older brother if he had the same thing happen to him growing up and he said “yeah, I guess” and then left, like he always did. So I figured the amnesia mixed with consciousness was normal and have been remembering the suffering since, lmao.
Basically the same for me. Woke up, walked to the living room, recognized my mom as being, well, mom.
I vividly remember my parents cheering and crying with joy when the Berlin Wall fell in 1989. We have extended family and friends in Germany so we were all ecstatic. I’ve given it some thought and I’m pretty sure that is my oldest memory. Pretty neat as far as those things go i guess.
Not my first memory.
When I was eight years old, I was wondering how long I could remember something. So I started an experiment. I decided to remember what I did that day for as long as possible. Every evening when I was in bed I would try to remember it. That was 30 years ago and I still remember that that day I went playing with a friend and we tried to make a swimming pool in his parents backyard and we played with some wild cats.
I hope I can keep the experiment going until I’m at least 90+
This is so cool!
I think my earliest one was going to the doctor once when i was like 2 years old, I know it happened before dad came back from the US and that was when I was 2 and I also have memories of that day.
I have a very detailed memory of my great-grandmothers appartment. There are no pictures of this place at all, but i clear remember the arrangement of furniture and decoration. The appartment was cleared and sold shortly after she died. I was 15 month old when she died.
Pushing a tricycle around the yard. It was too big for me to ride. About 3 years old. I know it’s my real memory because it’s very sensory, the grass was tall and tickled my legs, and the trike was rusty and squeaked. It feels slightly alien, I can’t quite understand 3 year old me.
Throwing a stuffed fish down the stairs (I think, there’s a couple of really early ones)
I have memories of potty training. I wish I didn’t.
don’t worry, you’ll forget all about potty training when you’re in your 80’s and your kids put you in a home
I can remember lying in my cot with a Mr men book. It’s more of a photo on my mind than an entire memory of a moment
Very nice! We had those books at school and during reading time all the guys in my class would race to get Mr. Strong.
Good question
What was the question you remember being so good?
Me standing next to the living room sofa at age slightly less than 4
Either going to take a nap in daycare, or being told to wait until the digital clock said something (around a minute or two) and being capable of understanding that I’d get what I wanted at that time.
Genuinely don’t know. I can’t tell if my earliest memories are made up from other people’s accounts/photos.
Waking up this morning, or maybe something important from yesterday if I concentrate… 🤔 how did I get here?