I checked the megathread but there doesn’t seem to be anything reliable in there, either some obsolete links or some old links that look shady at best.
Thank you
Fuck me, I meant French websites sorry.
Anytime i download stuff in french, ive gone to yggtorrent. I mainly download stuff in english, but its covered my needs when i needed something in french
I do use ygg when I need to download something, but I’m talking about streaming here, just watching without having to download.
Thanks though, I appreciate the help.
Oh im sorry, musta misread your question
Thank you, there’s a link in there that seems pretty solid so far.
Yes! Looking for something like that too. Maybe it’s just me but I find French media are hard to find.
@remindme@mstdn.social 1 week
Real Debrid?
Omelette du fromage
Omelette AU fromage !!!**** :p