This is the most depressing, saddening topic Oliver has covered… so far. Even if Democrats win, conservatives won’t sleep, it will be Project 2029, 2033, 2037, etc. They will keep chipping away and enshitifying everything little by little while Democrats in power and have free reign when they’re back in power. One of the most upsetting things is how Democrats won’t do anything to prevent or undo it.
How shall the democrats put a stop to this without breaking the rules as well? I don’t know if you noticed but these Do-Nothings DO NOTHING, as in DO NOT ALLOW PROGRESS AT ALL COSTS.
but yeah, damnit dems jUsT FiX iT!!! PrEvEnT iT!!!
This is the most depressing, saddening topic Oliver has covered… so far. Even if Democrats win, conservatives won’t sleep, it will be Project 2029, 2033, 2037, etc. They will keep chipping away and enshitifying everything little by little while Democrats in power and have free reign when they’re back in power. One of the most upsetting things is how Democrats won’t do anything to prevent or undo it.
How shall the democrats put a stop to this without breaking the rules as well? I don’t know if you noticed but these Do-Nothings DO NOTHING, as in DO NOT ALLOW PROGRESS AT ALL COSTS.
but yeah, damnit dems jUsT FiX iT!!! PrEvEnT iT!!!
it’s that easy eh? But dangit they just won’t :(