If he keeps this up, he’ll drag the entire Republican Party down with him in 2024.
Too bad the democrats cheated Bernie twice in a row.
Nobody cheated Bernie. He just wasn’t popular enough to win. My god, move on.
Super Delegates. The primary in 2016 was rigged for Hillary and the 2020 primary was rigged for Biden.
The general was legit in both of those though.
Bernie was/is too old to run for president. He was also less moderate than Biden. I’d argue Biden and Trump are too old to be president.
Biden is pretty fucking old too. The oldest to ever be elected. He has pretty severe dementia too. I know a lot of old folks that went down that road.
“Severe dementia” is far different than the old person behavior that Biden occasionally exhibits, which is like, saying the wrong word once or twice while speaking for half an hour. The “he doesn’t know what room he’s in!!1!” claims are absurd. When you listen to him talk for a while he’s perfectly coherent, though people like to cherry pick 1-2 lines out of context to try to pretend he’s doddering and incoherent.
If Biden wants the democrats to win next election he needs to not run again.
I would love to have a different and better candidate than Biden, but hard disagree.
someone would need to have stood out by now. that could take his place and we just don’t have anyone. we can’t run someone that has no name recognition against Trump or DeSantis.
Bernie Sanders
I’d love to have him but what we need more is someone who will get elected. He doesn’t pull enough swing voters.
You gotta give it up, need some youth
When the best you have is Biden, might be time to rethink yourself.
He is probably better in the House, but Hakeem Jeffries (israel bullshit aside…) very much was rocking the speaker votes.
That said: Obama basically “started” in 2004 with that DNC keynote speech. Yes, he had a political career prior to that. But that is when The Public really found out he existed and he killed it.
I would VERY much have preferred we been doing this since 2016 but between the Bernie debacle and then needing to do the exact opposite of that, there wasn’t a great chance to build up new voices. But we 900% need to have some “fresh young faces” get platformed to hell and back in 2024.
I have doubts. I can already see a low Dem turnout on the horizon. They need to push the mail-in ballot advantage again now that many are back in the office.
They’re never going to do that when the fund raising numbers went through the roof under Trump.
Did you know that Pelosi and Schumer gave the Trump administration an even bigger military budget inscrease than they were even asking for on two separate occasions?
Schumer fast-tracked all of Trump’s appointments too.
So even they don’t believe the Russiagate bullshit they’re still repeating. If Russiagate was real, why did Biden win? I guess Biden is a Putin puppet.
The problem that the American people face is not one of Trump alone. The Democrats in Washington would have you focus on how horrible Trump is as an excuse to ignore everything else that they’re doing or not doing. The same is true for non-Trump supporting Republicans.
I was hoping that the Democratic party would fall apart when Hillary lost, because it showed how weak a political party is if the primary motivation is to be different from the lunatic across the aisle. But that collapse never happened, and I’m not sure that anyone has learned their lesson.
Uhh, what the hell is this article talking about? His approval has remained steady with both Republicans and all Americans, and even saw a small uptick recently..
Sounds like they’re still operating under 2020 and 2022 logic. Biden is pretty widely disliked nowadays outside his own party and 2024 should in no way be viewed as an easy Dem win.
The role of Democrats is to be as ineffective as possible but still retaining the appearance of Independence from republicans.
Biden is the worst choice, by necessity. If they picked a better candidate, they would have to represent.
Didnt read the article. But I did just see him at the ufc ppv and he seems to be just chillen so idk b
If this ain’t one of the dumbest thing I’ve read here