Tell me the irony isn’t lost on anyone else that this website article about users being frustrated by min maxing profits and inorganic design language is designed exactly like the kind of site that they are talking about.
Yep, that website is barely readable. Thank god for reader mode though
I clicked just to see. You’re absolutely right.
I originally tried posting a picture, but I think my instance dropped support for right now because of the recent attacks.
Edit: I got the picture posted for those who don’t want phone cancer.
Firefox mobile with ublock origin. It’s like a condom of the internet.
Brave browser is the best solution I’ve found for my mobile workflow. Doesn’t help when the app opens the website link using the native in app browser, though.
Here’s what my actual mobile web browser displays
I use Firefox (i.e. not Chromium) with UBlock Origin on mobile, no issues. Also has a reader mode.
On Android, apps use your default browser:
Same here with Vivaldi.
Something that brave has, and Firefox doesn’t, is the ability to block javascript.
laughs in uMatrix
Wasn’t Brave caught mining crypto on users’ machines?
No, the scandal they got caught up in was basically if you typed “Coinbase” into the search bar it would suggest the autocomplete response for their affiliate link to Coinbase, it wasn’t limited to just coinbase however, and it wasn’t a forced redirect, just didn’t pass the sniff test, and while that doesn’t mean it’s bad or malicious, that also doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good.
It just happens to be the best solo solution on the application layer that works well with other complimentary services on other layers to fit my good enough criteria for now based on the hardware I currently have available to me.
When I get a different phone (read as migrated off of Apple [current] and Google [past] phone OS’s) I will reevaluate my mobile opsec and most likely chose from the other solutions available on the platform of my choice.
i prefer a privat dns like adguard. works in app and games too
BTW, you might like for images. Much easier to use than imgur, cause it doesn’t make you jump through hoops. No account needed and straight up gives you a direct link.
Thank you for the suggestion, thankfully the imgur hosting was built into memmy so I had no hoops to jump through, basically just click the image button and pick the image.
I’ll certainly implement that when I have more granular control of the process though.
Thank you for saving my phone.
I can’t put into words how much disgust I feel for Fandom wikis. Apparently there is an alternative front-end for it, but I still need to try it out.
Oh, it was annoying me recently, so I turned off JavaScript, and it’s great again.
I’m very glad, that people finally call those sites on their bullshit, and hopefully reclaim the internet.EDIT: removed stray ‘with’
Yeah, me too. It’s so much better with js off
There’s a desktop firefox extension to make fandom less awful to use, “Fandom Enhance”
I would love to figure out how to disable it on mobile. Does anyone know how?
Firefox on mobile allows for addons, so you can install ublock origin and disable it from there, but I’m sure there are other addons that would allow that.
Is this on iOS?
Mobile safari has adblocker extensions such as AdGuard
No idea. Knowing apple, probably not, but you’d have to check yourself.
Wait a multibillion corporation hosts an official wiki on fandom???
Just install MediaWiki on a spare azure server…
If I recall correctly, the official Minecraft wiki used to be a custom/self-hosted MediaWiki installation. They moved to Fandom at some point.
It was hosted on gamepedia and it was called official, but when fandom bought gamepedia and moved the wiki to their site it lost its official status
Fandom purchasing Gamepedia and moving everything onto Fandom Wikia was so awful. I’m so upset the Dota2 Gamepedia wiki is now on Fandom, and I’m sure many other communities feel that way for their own community run and community led wiki pages.
Not that I was particularly warm about Gamepedia either, but at the bare minimum I didn’t feel like the page was all ads and no information. Fandom wikis are explicitly set-up to drive as many eyeballs as possible onto advertising and engagement, and are holding actually relevant information for the visitor as a hostage to get those eyeballs. It’s information masquerading as a social media site.
The Runescape community convincing Jagex to cover the hosting costs and moving all their wiki pages to their own set-up has been such a huge boon for their community. It is super unfortunate that for many communities, the community-led wiki pages are a huge trove of information but the companies/games/groups these communities coalesce around have shown little to no interest in merely just financially supporting the endeavor.
I’m certain that Jagex wasn’t necessarily doing that out of the kindness of their hearts. RuneScape community sites have had a history of advertisements that border on malware at worst, are paid phishing attempts at best, and benevolently full of grey market account services and real world trading platforms.
Best case scenario was them hosting the platform to protect the integrity of their game, and the community.
Not to distract from the good move that it was, of course.
Wait a multibillion corporation hosts an official wiki on fandom???
it’s not official in that way no. “official” in this case is being used to mean “this is the wiki everyone uses, and which is acknowledged to be the Minecraft wiki”―but it has no formal ties with Mojang or Microsoft. some people have suggested they finally make the relation official to get the hell off Fandom, but i’m not sure how much Microsoft cares.
The real reasons why the wiki is no longer official (because everyone seems to have their own version of events) is here, but here’s the cliffnotes:
- Mojang/Microsoft’s legal team contacted them notifying them that the contract they signed with Curse in 2011 is being terminated (probably because Curse was no longer the owners after being bought by Fandom)
- As a result, all of the official logos/artwork/anything copyrighted by them could not be used legally.
I still think it’s crazy that the same guy who created Wikipedia also founded Fandom, and I believe is still involved. Considering what Wikipedia is and its utility, it almost seems like an incompatible ideology to have anything to do with both at the same time. I guess he’s got to make money somehow…
It could be, and this is purely only speculation, that Fandom is a means of funding wikipedia without sullying wikipedia itself. Sort of like how Buzzfeed used to have a killer investigative journalism department, but funded it with the tabloid garbage wing of Buzzfeed.
I don’t know if there actually is a financial connection between wikipedia and fandom, but that would be an explanation that makes the incongruity make a bit more sense.
Not to mentiom that Fandom rejects any attempts by the admins of their wikis to move offsite. If you put up links to the new wiki, they’ll erase them. If you start deleting your contributions, they’ll revert the edits.
For anyone who wants to avoid fandom:
Redirects any fandom wiki to their Indie alternative which are in most cases the only ones actually being updated.
For every wiki where that isn’t possible because they only exist on fandom, it redirects them to alternative frontends, which remove all the fandom crap.
libredirect also supports fandom, and other services
I have also used that in the past, but when I did it only redirected fandom to BreezeWiki and not the other independent wiki.
For example, Indie Wiki Buddy does this, while libredirect didn’t: ->
And it still doesn’t say it does that. Am I wrong with that? Cause I’d definitely use libredirect if that was the case.
for me is this: old School RuneScape Wiki has its own website separate from Fandom. Read Main Page on Old School RuneScape Wiki →
The Old School RuneScape Wiki was founded on February 14, 2013. In October 2018, the RuneScape Wiki left Fandom (then Wikia), citing their apathy towards the wiki and excessive advertisements, with the Old School RuneScape Wiki following suit.
This wiki’s core community has wholly migrated away from Fandom. You should go to Old School RuneScape Wiki now!
I know that. And Indie Wiki Buddy redirects to the new wiki, while libredirect doesn’t.
I used ORS as an example. The same goes for most wikis I personally use. Path of exile, Terraria, etc. all have migrated to new wikis and Indie Wiki Buddy redirects all links from the old fandom pages to the new wikis.
They’re just now finding out? I guess better late than never.
I was just trying to remember when the old school RuneScape community got off fandom.
Fandom wouldn’t let them nuke the wiki because they claimed to own the IP that was the crowdsourced information that filled it.
Fuck fandom, i refuse to use them.
They prevent any large wiki they hosted from closing because those have good SEO. They wanted the traffic for the ad revenue, even if all mods and writers got off the platform and replaced with shitty ones.
It really is the reddit migration before reddit migration.
As another example, the Path of Exile community moved off onto their own community-run wiki domain, but the Fandom variant (which is woefully out of date) continues to be one of the top results when searching for a PoE wiki page.
In some regards that’s inevitable, but it clearly shows what Fandom’s priorities are.
Backfired on them, the whole OSRS community was intentionally searching for things in google and using the “official” wiki results to bury fandom, then the game devs themselves added a wiki button into the game.
I don’t care what their rationale was, it’s to claim you own intellectual property that other people wrote for you. If I write a story, and post an excerpt to someone else’s website that doesn’t immediately confer copyright or IP ownership of that to the website owner.
Even more so when the information that is your IP is copied word for word from another companies IP and iterated on by a third party to qualify for fair use.
They’re just now finding out? I guess better late than never.
as i recall they were basically merged into the platform because their host got bought out by Fandom–it wasn’t strictly voluntary, and there have been a lot of frustrations from day one.
Fandom and FextraLife are fucking awful wiki sites. The former just sucks all around, and the latter just pushes their shit Twitch streaming and has a severe lack of info outside of, like, the first two Dark Souls games.
Even slightly older styles like Liquipedia and Wikidot have far superior interfaces to fandom wikis. Every year they seem to get slower and more bloated with additional popups. Like wth is the purpose of the “Are you a kid?” question.
If it’s asking whether you’re a kid, it’s probably to comply with some “think of the children” law.
Every little weird game i’ve played that has a fandom site, it always seems outdated and wrong. Plus mobile browsing on a phone is painful. I remember the runescape fandom site…ugh lol
I don’t play Minecraft, but I really hate fandom. The site is really so annoying to use. I typically avoid it at all costs.
This already happened with old school runescape. Editors got fed up with it and moved and now old school runescape has a fucking amazing wiki. It covers almost every single aspect of the game in autistic detail.
It goes into even more detail than that.
OSRS wiki should be a case study on good documentation policies.
Hey, I think you can get your point across without using “autistic” as an adjective that way. I’m sure you didn’t mean any harm by it, but we have a lot of neurodivergent users and I’m sure you don’t want anybody taking your comment to be insulting or degrading to them. Please try to keep Beehaw a nice place for everybody.
I ment it as a positive because there is a lot of neurodivergent players in the runescape community.
good fandom sites are the ugliest & most bloated sites i’ve ever seen & used, & the only site that i’ve seen use 25-50% of the CPU (a wiki page with a lot of videos &/or gallery pages will do this every single time) while ublock is actively blocking ads. like, wtf
Yeah, Fandom has been getting worse each day.