This is a petition urging public institutions to work with Free (Open-Source) software in favor of proprietary software. Supporters include the EFF, KDE, GNOME, the FSFE, Gentoo, Debian and many more. Overall, it is very based.
kthxbai :3
The EU needs to use Linux distros instead of Windows to save taxes
*The world in general
Literal Postal 2 moment:
Sign my petition damnit.
Are you gonna sign this or will it be your surviving family members?
This site feels a bit dodge. It isn’t an EU petition but it gives off the impression because of the .eu domain.
It’s by the fsfe, so mainly targeting the EU.
Ah the fsfe seems legit
We need software that fosters the sharing of good ideas and solutions. Like this we will be able to improve IT services for people all over Europe.
OK I guess this sounds pretty good.