It's not illegal, but it's still weird, creepy and potentially harmful and no
amount of lambasting about "the problematic age gap discourse" will make it not
check the modlog (there are 7 pages dedicated to him). but basically:
kept being sectarian (expressing his dislike of Maoists, anarchists, etc.)
kept posting and commenting in the wrong places (i’d say half of his modlog is just this)
would crosspost to 10+ communities for every post
seems to have instigated a lot of the arguments he had here
was temp/perma banned many times (on different instances too) for all these reasons but despite apologising didn’t change his ways
and may have doxxed someone (check the modlog for this, a mod called him out on it)
but my impression of Pluto was initially positive too. feels weird seeing a fairly prominent Hexbear user be permanently banned, but wow he sounds like a lot for the mods to deal with and banning him seems more than justifiable to me now.
Edit: wrote about this