The mold spreads. Infinity for reddit has fallen
Flashlight to F1
What direction is it pointing? It should probably emit light a that way till the light is blocked by something.
Glorious, absolutely glorious
Cheese to F5
F5? How refreshing!
Fiona should turn back to ogre.
Dont count this as a move, it is just a natural consequence of the darkness.
Discord in light mode right to D8 lighting up only the D lane
flashbang to e5
Prigozhin accidentally touches the fractal version of himself, causing a space-time cascade that tears a hole in the fabric of reality at A0 which instantly swallows him whole.
Heatwave on the bottom-left corner of the board that melts some of the larger pieces and causes a forest fire on a2
Lights come back on as Zuck reveals more of his lizard form. Cheezeburger cat initiates en passant.
the rainbow unicorn begins to glow
Will smith puts himself in face down defense position
Store on the top right goes bankrupt, gets replaced with Sneed’s feed and seed
They all go to the backrooms changing the colours of the board
The sun comes out and we can see the boars again
Mark Zuckerberg shoots lasers out of his eyes to H0, burning a hole in the board