For those of us that don’t want to become admins or mods.
This could maybe help with growth by giving potential admins ideas for new instances.
Are there any other instances you would like to see be created?
I miss birdswitharms…
I think you mean communities, not instances?
Maybe advertise your idea to the right people… But you’re right. Starting a new communitiy takes some effort and more than one person to get things rolling.
You mean communities, not instances.
Just make one and be the change you want to see. You can always give someone else mod later.
Sorry about that, still getting use to the nomenclature here.
I’ve edited the post to fix it, thanks for the correction.
But yes I was a mod previously and realized i didn’t really have time to be a good one.
I would also like to create one. Though I can’t find the button to do so.
It sounds like you might be referring to communities rather than instances. If you don’t want to mod it yourself you could ask in one of the request communities and soneone might choose to start it. Try doing a search for ‘request’ on whichever instance seems like a good fit, and you’ll find one.
OP could also try posting in ! or ! using the tag [Request]
Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using an URL instead of its name, which doesn’t work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !
Who with be modding them?
This is more of a support question and should be asked in one of the support communities - please see the sidebar for tips.
! and we can get you set up
Just start one (a community, that is). There’s not some marauding band of trolls out there, waiting to give you a hard time. If it’s niche enough, it’ll be a highlight just to see someone-who-isn’t-you post something!
I wouldn’t mind creating one, but thinking ahead there may be new users who are looking for certain communities but don’t have the experience to create or mod one themselves.
This could help get things going faster and may give ideas to the people that are happy to do so.
You can create one, and as soon as the ball starts to roll you can ask if someone wants to take over and become the mod.