I am curious if any iOS users are experiencing this same thing but I am seeing when I am looking at some posts where it’s an image post and I either look at the thumbnail or click on the image, that the image has only loaded like 5-10% of the image at the top. I’ve tried refreshing the post when I see that but it doesn’t seem to make the image load. The only thing that seems to work is if I click the “Link” icon on the post which opens the in app Safari directly to the link on the other server where the image loads and then when I go back to the post after closing the in app browser, it shows fully loaded.
It seems to be random for me and not something I can specifically pin down to any one server/instance. Just curious if it is something that only I am experiencing or what. I can’t reproduce it where the PWA is installed on macOS as I was wondering if I was hitting some sort of weird network issue but I can’t reproduce it on two different MacBooks.
*edit: Seems like multiple people are experiencing the same thing. I created https://github.com/aeharding/voyager/issues/386 if you want to follow.
Sounds like it isn’t just me. I’ll file a GitHub issue.
*edit: done - https://github.com/aeharding/voyager/issues/386
Thank you both for posting about this and filing a big!
I’ve found they do load after a time (or scrolling maybe?) but it’s so random I can’t quite figure out the pattern.
Yes, happens with me too for some posts.
Failure to load images happens to me, as well.
It’s the “randomly doesn’t respond to touch” issue on iOS that drives me mostly crazy.
If that is a known issue with web apps on iOS, then that is yet another reason why it should be an actual app, not web app.
The touch issue is another one that I run into frequently. At least swiping at a post will bring back my ability to scroll but it drives me crazy with the frequency of which it happens. I am not sure if there is an issue filed for that one.
the “shitty life pro tip” here is instead of fighting with it: just slide notifications/controls in an out a bit, and touch again, it’s like it automatically re-focuses and starts working again.
Yes. And also the screen scrolling stutter is still there. I’ve mostly moved over to Memmy for now until the PWA experience is more refined.
Same for me. I love the look and feel of Voyager, but the experience using it isn’t quite there yet.
Here is
as an example.
Have this bug also, iOS 16.2, app installed.
Yep, on iOS version 16.1.1 and happens all the time for me.
I get this for a good 10% of posts. I thought it was my connection since they eventually load.
me too
Yes but I have found you can switch to a different app then switch back and it loads the image about 50% of the time.
Ah nice, that’s a helpful workaround for the time being. Much better than opening the link from the post.
Yesss it happens, especially when I move far from my home router, so it must be just a non-graceful way of failing to finish loading an image.
I’m on Android and have seen similar things happen on low data connections where images will very slowly load top down lines at a time, even occasionally on my laptop. I think it’s because there is no automatic compression or small max size on pictures like reddit so you get high quality images trying to load. It might be something else too tho idk
I just did a speed test from my phone and I’m getting 350 down; 304 up but it could be related to the lemmy servers bandwidth potentially.
Not seeing this here. Is it only with imgr links ?
Same here. Happens a lot
Not seeing this here. Is it only with imgr links ?