Any timeframe for a full screen picture mode for the home page bwrosing? This is the one thing that I really need to use Artemis properly. The compact view mode just doesn’t work for me (not Artemis compact mode in particular, just compact mode in general)
Started messing with post view. So already thinking about getting the two modes for cards ready. Def wanna see if I can get an MVP out ASAP for it ✨
@hariette For the full pic size the one thing to look for are when picture is very tall (taller than the viewport), then you need it cropped until clicked on. Now do you want to show the center of the picture when cropping, or the top (top would work better for comic strips which are often super tall, you may want to do center crop for tall picture Nd to for super tall pictures)
Agree I am waiting for this before I can really commit to using Artemis every day
Imma need to get to making that ASAP 👀
Honestly, even the current image thumbnails could extend to the top, right, and bottom edges of the cards to increase their size and legibility a stidge.
You’d need a min height on cards, though. If I had a free minute I’d make a figma real quick.
What if the card is tall because of a long title? Have the image keep stretching?
But definitely doing a full picture mode. The goal is to make different post views. Compact (what we have) and large with media.
Glad to hear it, looking forward to this. That’s the only real gripe I’ve encountered thus far. It’ll make browsing image focused/heavy magazines far better.
Awesome work on Artemis though, I’ve only encountered minor known bugs thus far.
Looking forward to using it 😄! Will probably push me to using kbin full time, for now using lemmy in the meantime! Thanks for your hard work!
Alright, it’s live :)
agreed, this would be a nice feature! i’m okay using it as-is for now though. i like that i can click the image thumbnail and view the full-size image without clicking into the actual post.
what do you mean full screen picture mode? like have the thumbnails be bigger and below the title?
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