That’s not entirely true. I boycott places I don’t agree with all of the time. Be it religious views that affect policy, political views, or a range of others things, there’s almost always an alternative that I’d rather give my money to.
No, it isn’t just you. “Cancel Culture” is another of those pejoritive terms the right is so fond of. Making decisions about where to spend your money based on the behavior of the companies is a one of the few ways we have to influence corporations (and politicians).
The extreme right seems to have given up o boycotts and moved on to direct physical attacks as their preferred methods of influence.
Really funny how they always talk about cancle culture but they are always the ones calling for boycotting.
If they didn’t have projection, hypocrisy, and a perpetual victim complex would they really be MAGA Republicans anymore?
It’s unreal how the “Party of Personal Responsibility” is chock full of people who NEVER accept the consequences of their actions…
Jesus, do they call it that? How embarrassing for them. At least own your platform. Call it the party of shouting and hatred or something like that.
That’s not entirely true. I boycott places I don’t agree with all of the time. Be it religious views that affect policy, political views, or a range of others things, there’s almost always an alternative that I’d rather give my money to.
Is it a boycott if it’s just me participating?
No, it isn’t just you. “Cancel Culture” is another of those pejoritive terms the right is so fond of. Making decisions about where to spend your money based on the behavior of the companies is a one of the few ways we have to influence corporations (and politicians).
The extreme right seems to have given up o boycotts and moved on to direct physical attacks as their preferred methods of influence.
Gaslight, Obstruct, Project. That’s the GOP for ya.
*cankle culture
*cunkle cunture
I would LOVE to get Philomena Cunk to cover this
Cunk looking bored while Lindell rants and raves… lots of close-ups of her rolling her eyes… I’d love it.
Well, Jesus was the first victim of cancel culture