I wonder if in hindsight, she feels like she’s made the right decision…
Oh it’s this stupid meme again
I don’t get it
Oh god not again
The other side of the story meets its inevitable conclusion too.
Least the bear only killed her. /s
Versus how many fatal man attacks? Not even gonna look it up 🤷
Dunno how this is conclusiv- ohhhh right, confirmation bias. Forgot about that. grumbles noisily
Well, if we’re going to be pedantic, then this is not a valid comparison to make because it ignores the number of total encounters with bears and men, and the time spent with each.
I never understood this debate. Of course a woman would feel safer with a large gay man at her side.
I think what bothered most men wasn’t that he was large, but that a woman would feel safer with any gay man that was with them.
As a sasquatch, I’d feel safer around a gay man
I’m going to need to know what kind of sanguine you are.
ETA: added need to
I’m bi and only chubby… Where do I fall in this?
I think chubby bisexuals are classed as “pandas”
I highly doubt it was the first fatal bear attack in California
Other sources I’ve found specify that it was the first fatal black bear attack, and that it happened before the man vs bear debate XD
Would you rather encounter a black bear or a… you know what, nevermind.
Given that Grizzlies are extinct in California, yeah.
What about Brown Bears though?
I think brown bears and grizzlies are the same. If I remember right, they just live in different places.
They are. Both are Ursus arctos which is a funny name because it’s just bear bear, once in Latin and one in Greek.