Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one that doesn’t have issues with images in word.
Have you considered the possibility that you don’t exist?
That’d be nice sometimes.
You may be one of the people that format their word docs properly. I hate it when someone spams enter to create a new page.
Damn, almost 28 years on this planet and I’ve just now learned that there’s a very handy separate option for that. Kinda makes sense if you think about it for 5 seconds, but I just never did. I do know how to deal with images properly though, so I’m not a complete idiot.
What is this mythical feature?
Page break.
ctrl enter
Control (or command) + enter for those wondering. Or via the insert menu -> “page break”.
I don’t either. But I tend to use (La)TeX to typeset documents.
LaTeX really is great.
Can you paste an image from the clipboard and place it on the page, using a mouse, without messing up the formatting of the rest of the page in latex?
Not that I know of. But LaTeX is not a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor. It’s a markup language.
yes; people that are complaining simply have a skill issue
You can easily fix this by changing the image behavior too
Wait, it’s not just me ? How can 30 year old commercial software still be this janky ?
Because its a mass of patches and cosmetic upgrades on top of 30 year old software
That’s why I’m into LaTeX
When the LaTeX document has pixel-perfect alignment with all the images and you can still add text without things jumping around.
latex is sexy
The hours I’ve spent trying to format a Word document with images or some real classy clipart.
FR man. I spent 2 days trying to get an image to take up the whole of page 1 in a document but couldn’t make it work so ended up just printing the photo out and stapling it to the rest of the document
The woes of trying to use those little anchors or finding the right formatting. It triggers some S&M tendencies.
PSA: Word isn’t layout software, it’s a WYSIWYG document editor. You can change settings to make it work more like layout software, but it’s better to use a layout tool if you need that.
Recently I switched to using Affinity Publisher because it did everything I needed from InDesign. The only problem being, if I want to share files with anyone, I have to make sure they also have Affinity Publisher.
I love affinity, it’s really really good. And I can actually fucking own it and don’t have to pay for it for the rest of my life
I swear one of these days imma blow up bill /s
SM64 Mario when some kid in the mid to late 90s tilts the cartridge
Have you tried editing an Org chart using smart art on PowerPoint?
Easily fixed by right clicking and aligning something But yes. Word is shit yo.
Have you tried confluence?
If youre adding images to a word document, you should be using publisher, not word. Thats like deciding to edit a video with photoshop instead of premiere. You could, just super inefficient.